Victoria realized that Alicia was out of it, therefore she held her hands as they exchanged looks. She didn't ask further questions about it.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to give you a ride?"

Alicia shook her head. "No! I just want to be... alone!"

Similarly, she also rejected Marshall's request afterward. She feared that Victoria wouldn't be safe staying here, thus she dragged Victoria out together.

"Victoria, let's leave together! Don't stay in this kind of place for long!"

"Got it! I still have to wait for a friend to get something, I'll leave in a while! I'll be careful, don't worry about me! Ally, did you encounter something? If you need help, just call us. Alone we can do so little but together we can do so much. Don't just keep it to yourself. You would be defeated if you keep everything in!"

"I know! I'll tell you everything I can!" However, even Alicia herself hadn't cleared her own doubts yet.

The duo spoke for a while. After reminding Victoria several things, only then did she leave.

That night, Alicia's mind was in too much of a mess. Fortunately, there weren't many cars around. Alicia stopped before a bridge opposite a mall while gazing at the neon lights and the crowd of people that was faraway. Many scenes kept replaying themselves in her mind. Her one-night stand with Frederick, their lightning-fast marriage... Everything flashed across her mind like scenes from a movie. Uncontrollably, tears blurred her vision.

The place where they lived was Landrum Garden. It was full of jasmine flowers. The house and the courtyard were filled with the fragrance of jasmine.

No wonder he disliked the scent on her body so much! No wonder he disliked it when her body wash was jasmine-scented!

Bah! It turned out that she was just not the person whom he was used to!

How much did he like that woman? The house was full of jasmine and the only decorative items in the office that she could remember were those few pots of jasmine!

It turned out that jasmines represented Danica! Her nickname was Jasmine!


so much! It was everywhere

had been built for Danica; Landrum Garden was named after her. In the office, the jasmine which he gazed at during his free time even represented Danica! Private room No. 7 of

wonder Alicia had thought that it was a dating spot for

attentive to

have been mixed. Only someone as stupid as Alicia would believe Frederick's words. Someone who used to love water would

lot like the old

reason he had deceived Alicia with such sweet words over

that belonged to Danica, she wore the clothes that Danica liked, wore the earrings that Danica liked...

It was too much!

ever slept in that bed too? Was his every word, his every sign of tenderness and

What was his intention?

facing Mrs. Clements? Or was it that Danica was too embarrassing to be around with as of now, or was she in danger, or did she have any other reasons

looked similar to Danica, was it possible that

It was horrible!

was also a living person. Why did he want

restricted her with all kinds of rules, held her back, and coaxed her. But, he joined the anniversary party with Danica behind Alicia's back! He

could men be so

used to treat her the same way. He had once treated her very well but in the end, he had thrown her

even though she still hated him, at least she had a reason to forgive him. If she really went through all of this just to pay off her brother's debt to

But what about Frederick?

do wrong? She just wanted a pure relationship.

couldn't understand at all. She

She hated this feeling!

herself to please a man who couldn't even act well! Even if it was a short relationship that would end tragically, he should still belong to Alicia. She could bear the ups and downs, the joys and sorrows, but she couldn't accept that all of his actions had been pretentious and deceptive.

and every present he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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