As he spoke, Jeremy showed her an enlarged image. As the image had been a screenshot from the surveillance video, it was not very clear. Zooming in on the image made it even more grainy.

At first glance, Alicia could only make out the facial features. Plus, the man in the picture was in such close proximity to the woman and with his eyes half-closed. There was indeed some resemblance looking at the face from up to down. However, intuitively, Alicia confirmed that the man wasn't Frederick. After all, hadn't Chet called her last night telling her that he was in a meeting on a contract? Moreover, both Alicia and Frederick had just been in touch that morning. Therefore, subconsciously, Alicia trusted Frederick more. His love and care for her after the Western City incident made her trust gut as well. Moreover, she was no longer part of the Blanchard family. Neither did she have hand in the family fortune, nor was there any grudge and enmity between them. Therefore, she felt that Frederick had no reason to be superficial and deceptive to her. If he had intended to toy and dump her, he could've said it and did it at any minute, but he didn't. And even if she were to despise him, it wouldn't do him anything, for there was a huge gap in their influences.

Hence, after the initial heart race following the first look at the image, Alicia managed to calm herself instantly.

"If this is what you want to tell me, then I already know! You can leave now. Can you not stick your nose into my life, whether it's good or bad, from now on? Don't you understand, Jeremy? My everything has nothing to do with you anymore. My happiness is not meant as a show-off to you. Likewise, I don't need your rescue, even if I'm unhappy. Between us, there had been grudges and wounds so deep that actually, I don't know and am unsure who's right or wrong. And I don't want to know. What's gone is gone. I will still stand up no matter how hard things get. So, I don't want to hate you, I don't want revenge, and I don't want to relive the past. I just want to live the rest of my life peacefully. Can you understand that?"

Letting out a long sigh, Alicia added, "You won't be a part of my life from now on."

With that, she turned around and was preparing to leave. Suddenly, Jeremy grabbed her hand.

"Getting my revenge on you has been the one thing I regret most in my life. I left my father and came back for my mother and sister. But in the end, I still lost them both... who are the most important people in my life. Then I met you, and though I had succeeded after taking revenge on you, I realized that despite returning as a successful person, I had never actually been happy ever since losing my sister. I did the stupidest thing in life and I also lost the most important person in my life!"

Jeremy closed his eyes and tears fell like the rain outside. It's a pity he realized this too late.

If only he had understood things earlier!

In the end, even God was not on his side, for He had taken away every important thing in Jeremy's life.

There was nothing left for him but a pile of mess he had created.

Trust me, I'm not lying to you. This time, I promise that every sentence I have said had no selfish intention nor exaggeration. Achoo! Even if you don't believe me, just pay more attention from

stop sneezing as he

could have been so successful? Only men who are either gay or in poor health avoid women. Do you really believe that he would so true-hearted to give up an entire sea of fish just for a chick? You can deny their existence, but the seductresses are still

sneezed and paused for a good two seconds before

know what? I

could go just to close a business deal. I remember

the deal, you had to smoke with him, or else you had to give up. Likewise, I had seen those so-called good boyfriends or husbands who cheated behind their spouses' back


you step out of home, there isn't such thing as being a good husband. Why? It's because you'll be singled out as the odd one out for not following the norm, thus no business deals. With such a growing and successful business, do you really think Frederick is all that pure and incorrupt? You believe that he has never looked for guest relation

The choices are

money, women, and alcohol."

at great length,

at least listen to

10 million dollars. However, it's hard to quit. Ally, there is risk and a price to pay for gaining riches. It's never that easy in business. With only his family's wealth, do you think he alone could've been so fortunate to have accumulated the amount of wealth within just a few years' time? His wealth alone will take others years and even generations to build. Have you ever thought about this? Don't you think that your relationship with him has progressed too quickly? Was it really love between you two or just

"Stop talking."

she was much calmer. She suddenly remembered the incident in his office in which he thought she was a three billion dollar gift. Although it turned out to be a misunderstanding, the fact was that this present actually existed. She just wasn't sure if it was

had also

which was

incident. Someone

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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