"Agreed, I do want a big family," Alice said chokingly as she handed Freya some salad. 'Aunt Freya, if you love children so much, why didn't you consider adoption, Aunt Freya?" Smiling bitterly, Freya said,

"I had been taking medication and fertility shots for the last decade. My arms were bruised with needle marks to the extent that people thought I was a drug addict, and I had to be tested at a police station. Do you know how I lived the past decade, Ally? There were many times I almost died and suffered from depression. Most of my hair fell out, and what was left turned grey. Instead of looking like I'm in my forties, I looked more like a 60-year-old. How could I adopt a child in this state? If I hadn't found faith these past 2 years, I wouldn't have the mental strength I do now. I dare not try to take care of a child." Reaching out with cold, thin fingers, she grasped Alicia tightly.

"Never believe in a man's foolish promises! For the sake of his career, I accompanied him on tours, hid our marriage for 20 years, and had three miscarriages. He's a celebrity now. But what about me? I'm weary, barren, and rejected. We are still a legally wedded couple, but what have I gained in all of this? Isn't the only reason he didn't divorce me was that he was waiting for my death? If we divorce, he would have to split our assets. But he doesn't regard me or our marriage. Instead, he goes out and about with his mistress. They even have a son! How can one believe love exists in this world? I gave him, a poor artist, the best 20 years of my life, and look where it got me? I'm alone and penniless! Men are more disgusting than you think they are. I wish I could just end it all for the both of us. But look at me...." Freya shook her trembling hands, then, chuckling bitterly, burst into tears.

"All that is left is a poor, old body. Even if I did have a weapon, I wouldn't be able to hold it properly. Look at how glorious he is now, stacks of money, villas, cars, and beautiful women! I spent 20 years of my life helping him achieve all that, but I got nothing in return in the end! The only thing that is left for me in this life is hatred, nothing else! I don't like children, he said; I want to focus on my career, he said; love trumps all, he said; it's better to have a double income and no kids..."

Freya sneered with grief and anger.

"These were the lies he used to deceive me with. When he is no longer so popular, or when having children would no longer be a threat to his career, will he remember me, the woman who had invested her entire life in him? Will he understand why I can't carry a child to term? Will he feel sorry for me? No! He can't even bear to give me a fraction of his millions. He promised me the stars and moon when he needed me, but cast me aside when he had no more use for me. From the moment I knew he wanted children but I couldn't bear them, I should have realized he would treat me like this! But I was too naive! I believed that because we have gone through so much together in the past 20 years, even if he doesn't love me, he would at least be grateful! I am too foolish! When a man had finished using you, he would jus cast you aside! They are cruel and selfish!"

The veins in Freya's hands popped. When she realized she had said too much, she quickly said,

"Eat up, the food is getting cold! I'm just advising you not to get carried away with love. You've already been hurt once before, don't be fooled again. Few men would be willing to waste time agonizing as we have been. When you meet a good man, Ally, hold on to him, don't second guess! I had my chance, and look where I am now. It could be that I'm just now paying for my sins."

for making me take so much medication? No, he only complained that I couldn't get pregnant. Did he reap what he sowed? No! He is living wealthy and happily with his mistress and their son! Thinking about it now, if he was responsible, he wouldn't have gotten me pregnant so many times. I was blinded by love. I should have done what I thought was right and kept the baby and left him. Sometimes, women

no man is

have to conquer a man, not surrender to him. It won't do you any good to give yourself to him

can't be overbearing

are different for

domineering! Someone said to me once she was domineering and it retaliated! I can't turn back time. There's nothing I can. do but hate. My life is coming to a messy end, I can do nothing except to keep on living a small,

has chosen a good

still deeply shocked by her aunt's words. Especially when she overheard talks of Sebastion's upcoming

about him and thought that

wait to tear him

romantic relationship can be more complicated than how an outsider perceives it, it was stilla 20-year-relationship. No matter how great the mistake was, he was a b*stard for not regarding their

had been together. They did the intimate thing quite

apart from that


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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