Good fortune often follows upon disaster while disaster lurks within good fortune. Chet was also extremely speechless. He had just received a good piece of information, but he lost track of her right then. He really wanted to beat himself to death!

They only lacked this one step!

Compared to his vexation, Frederick was surprisingly calm, "It must've been hard for you to travel so far."

Sure enough, it had something to do with Danica!

Was it because of his kindness that his Ally was killed? It had only been six years. Danica used to just be a weak woman who was unable to hurt a fly. How did she turn out like this?

He closed his eyes and said, "However you try to run away from something, you still can't escape it!"

If all these were really her deeds, how could she suddenly choose to let go at this time? It seemed that she had learnt a lot about disappearing in the past six years! She might have more than two identities! Perhaps, she might have even been abroad for the past six years! Maybe she also had connections with other people!

"Do you mean... we have to keep an eye on the Randolph family?"

"Things always look calmer on the surface, but a storm could be brewing underneath. The more you know, the better! I don't care about the Randolph family's matters. It's fine as long as they don't die out! I don't believe that she will be able to hide for the rest of her life!" If Ally was really killed by her, she must pay the price!

"I understand!"

Chet understood that Frederick meant that as long as the Randolph family was neither destroyed nor killed, they were allowed to do whatever they wanted to extract information from them. They just needed to leave some space for them to take a breather and wait for Danica to come back to rescue them. If they couldn't find her, there must be someone else who could find her!

Then, Chet thought of something.

He said, "By the way, there's some progress on the drug's investigation. Although it hasn't been verified yet, it should be pretty close to finishing. About how to deal with it, I'd like your opinion!"

he took out


Tanner?" Frederick wondered who it

I don't know if it's true or not. I really didn't think


accident in the lab. Calvin's mother ran away with the relief money while Calvin stayed with his grandmother. It was said that like father, like son. He was also very talented in medicine. As soon as he learnt it, his talents shone! However, because his grandmother was getting old, she couldn't control his antics. Later, for a period of time, they lived a hard life. Calvin was a little rebellious and got mixed up with the wrong crowd. I found out that he was Lindsay's childhood sweetheart. He had always liked her, but after high school, he disappeared. Some people said that he went to work. Others said that he died in a ditch somewhere. In fact, he had been working in the pharmaceutical factory all that time. His education was limited, so he didn't get much recognition no matter



now, so he lives a stable life. However, despite being a small employee of a pharmaceutical factory and who was an orphan, he owns a house in a good city! His days are not bad! The people who investigated him privately have found out that he's modest, smart and has a lot of knowledge on medicine. With a single look at the medicine, he can tell its composition and its materials. He is also research-oriented in traditional medicine. After a taste of it, he can tell what it is. Because he had been

as a very

employee amongst the ordinary

employees in the factory!"

of the matter of the past as well as money to blackmail him in order to

Chet nodded and continued.


the medicines were not mass-produced. Even if he made more, he wouldn't need much raw materials. As such, no one would find out! I think this person has all the

yet to discover how the two contacted each other. In case of alerting the enemy, temporarily, I don't dare to test him.

you got something on him? Go and make sure!" Frederick raised his eyebrows and said, "He's a talented

has already passed! Moreover, this person doesn't have any bottom line. It's possible that he used drugs

sense should know that such things had a time limit, especially for an unreported case from all those years ago. It would

wrong! The greedier you are, the more afraid of death you will be. Those who are greedy and lustful are easily manipulated! Whether or not he will be useful is another matter! At the very least, we have to be

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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