Frederick had heard about this before, but in the past, he had no idea that Misty and Alicia were very much alike. Therefore, he didn't bother much about it. The longer he listened to Chet, the more he felt like his heart was being gouged out by someone.

He merely discovered Misty's existence after Alicia's incident. Besides that, she was related to the couple as well, which was way too coincidental!

He clenched his fists and gazed at his finger where his wedding ring was. After a pause, he asked, "Where on Earth did he come from?"

"I've rounded up every piece of information I could possibly find about him. Nicholas Gail or commonly known as Mr. Nick is really an interesting person. He's missing a finger. In the past, the largest nightclubs in Casterwich City were East Bannpool and Night Pearl Clubhouse; they basically occupied the whole market. The other nightclubs could barely survive with the remaining market. Therefore, a lot of nightclubs have closed down in the past few years! Out of nowhere, Nicholas appeared with a household registration from a small countryside village. We found out that the villagers over there were originally poor, but they merged with their neighboring village later on. Now, it has developed into a small town! Back then, the youngsters would leave the village in search for work, and this corresponds with his past experience too! I was informed that he has been abroad for quite a while and he recently snuck back into Casterwich City in the last two years! Then, by chance, he entered this field..."

After that, Chet brought out two more sheets of paper and pointed at them.

"This is a picture of him; he seems extremely remarkable. Although he may be quite young, he is no doubt mature and experienced! He is particularly loyal to his friends and skillful at the same time. It wasn't long before he became one of the second-in-command people and he is well respected too! I heard the nightclubs that originally suffered losses and barely survived had gone through substantial changes upon his arrival. In the past, all they could only do was sell smuggled goods, conduct private usuries, sell illegal drugs, or hire women to maintain their business. But now, everything has changed with his existence! Nicholas is quite formidable in the investment and management sector. He also has good social connections too."

"Besides that, he even altered the investment method. At first, he made a lot of money by selling a few houses. Later on, he invested in cargo and logistics. I'm certain that he smuggled people in through this method as well. However, this was much better than the past and that's why the nightclubs are thriving nowadays! To be honest, who else would willingly be involved in illegal activities if they had a choice? What's more, his attitude towards money is incomparable to anyone else's. He's also quite generous and typically unconcerned unlike his subordinates. Of course, he's well- aware of his actions too. Therefore, his subordinates are willing to obey him. Now, the well-known Heaven Star Clubhouse has been developed to a point where it's able to rival East Bannpool. Even the underground people treat him differently now!"

As a thought flashed across his mind, Chet continued speaking.

"There's a popular saying on the street that goes by, 'Dragons Gang's Three Golds'; it's a warning for the people on the street to avoid these three leaders at all cost. Even the underground grunts tend to maintain a distance from them. Back then, there were several nightclubs including Heaven Star Clubhouse which in fact belonged to a big shot from the Golden Triangle area outside the country. However, something happened and he gave up his Casterwich City's territory! Therefore, this force is referred to as the 'Three Golds'. There was also a rumor about Nicholas who had an argument with the leader and he was casted out because of Misty. Yikes, women are indeed a hassle! She only reappeared after Nicholas took charge of the nightclubs. It's still unclear how they met or got together, but what I do know is she's a very important person to him!"

At this moment, anxiety surged throughout his body and it almost erupted out of him. "I want to meet her in person. Find out Miss Swift's whereabouts and

method to lure her into his clutches, but whenever he was busy, he would order his subordinate to

and his endless

dinner with a client when he

she went there to accompany Sebastian for the past

understand. Do not

the phone, Frederick immediately stood up. "My apologies, President Cook. I have

mind staying for a while longer? Let's talk about our collaboration. It'll only take another five

can't even stay for five more seconds! I really have something

appeared and handed him a mask at the entrance. "Search for Nicholas' whereabouts. It doesn't matter


back to his

realized that Frederick had already disappeared

private room to quickly grab

are you leaving

this another day! I have something urgent currently, I'm really sorry I can't

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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