Chapter 78: A Good Show

Sophia really didn’t want to explain, she hurriedly went to change her clothes.

After coming out, Pierce was already prepared.

Standing there, his expression was somewhat cold, but his voice remained gentle:

“Let’s go, I’ll show you a great show!”

Sophia: “What good show?”

Pierce laughed, didn’t explain, but there seemed to be some danger in that smile.

He took her to the revolving platform on the third floor, from where they could perfectly see the entrance of the box across from them last night.

At that time, a dense crowd was standing at the door, holding various filming equipment, all trying to squeeze inside.

Suddenly, a familiar, terrified scream of a woman echoed in the room.

It was Susie!

Sophia frowned, her face suddenly turning cold.

Immediately after, Susie ran out of the room, disheveled and looking extremely unwell. She was in a state of utter disarray, with ambiguous ‘marks of a man’s rough handling visible on her body.

The flashbulbs were constantly flickering.


Chante A Good Show

Then Colin also ran out of the room, only his wig was gone, there were dried bloodstains on his forehead, and his face was flushed with


The expression on his face was one of panic, constantly swatting away the cameras of the reporters in front of him, his facial expression distorted with anger:

“Which media outlet are you from? Did you know who I am?”

“Mr. Hamilton, did the company know about your inappropriate relationships with your subordinates?”

“Mr. Hamilton, as a senior executive of the company, you had an affair with a female employee. Was it her who seduced you, or did you coerce her?”

“Mr. Hamilton, did you have anything to say?”


The reporters kept badgering him with questions, one after another, which infuriated Colin to the point where he was speaking


“She volunteered, there was no coercion, nothing happened between us!”

He struggled to squeeze out of the crowd, his shirt torn, revealing scratches on his back left by a woman’s sharp nails.

Everyone seized the opportunity, snapping away chaotically, not missing the chance to capture such a bulky, flustered figure.


Good how


happened, we really believed it!”

no ordinary person, she became the project team leader right after graduation, and I believed it when she

person’s first reaction would be to call the police, right? Why did she

time since


below, her

her eyes, her

she would have been set

disgraced and threatened

they were

was her carelessness.

scene now, she felt


thought that was

a result, the police arrived quickly and conducted a thorough


came out, the person in charge

that someone had tampered with the spices,

the person in charge, we would never condone such behavior, we would cooperate with

her gaze flickering slightly. She turned her head to look at Pierce beside her and

“Thank you.”

admit, Pierce had done her a huge favor.

slightly, a meaningful smile playing on his

did you want to thank

let it go so easily. She hesitated for a second, then looked at

“Name your price!”

taken aback,

Quoted price?

a president who was not

were tightly pressed together.

can’t think of a better way to express my sincerity in gratitude.”

“One hundred million.”

A Good Show

angered by her words, his eyes darkened, and he directly started to give her a hard

he must have spent most

her to give it all at once,

apologized and gave him a

he turned around

a sense of relief, and immediately took out

it was a

and his face turned

the phone tightly,

Make things

didn’t understand what I

for a second, not understanding why he was

because she had transferred all her money.

this according to your request?

goods were settled, the burden in her

was not so heavy anymore.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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