Chapter 89: Revealing the True Colors

The video was dimly lit, she sat in the car, crying and speaking incoherently:

“Because the child was lost. I was too anxious and misunderstood

Sophia for a moment. I’m really sorry, please forgive the nervousness of a mother.”

It was just a short video of a few seconds, but it quickly made it to the trending list.

The following comments:

“This mistress sure had a lot of drama every day!”

“No good intentions…”

“She was morally kidnapping with the identity of a mother!”


Emelia was in the car, looking at the video she had posted and the brutal criticism she received.

She couldn’t help but look at Pierce.

“Ms. Cruise didn’t even come out to say a word, everyone was blaming


Pierce’s voice was cold and deep:

“Apologizing was what you should have done, she had no obligation to forgive you!”


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Chapter 89. Revealing the True Colors

Emelia’s face stiffened, instantly looking somewhat unpleasant.

Nolan was somewhat guilty in front, remaining silent.

Very quickly.

Arrived at the house Nolan had bought for Pamela.

Pamela sat on the ground, distraught and seemingly terrified.

The child was still crying inside the house, and the servant was frantically taking care of him.

Pierce entered with a serious face.

The moment Emelia saw Pamela, her face suddenly changed:

“How…is it you? Did you steal my son?”

Pamela sat there blankly, motionless, without giving a response.

It was still Nolan who spoke somewhat awkwardly:

“Emelia, don’t panic, she indeed secretly took the child away, it’s just…”

Emelia was somewhat anxious, Joshua was her lifeline, without Joshua, she would lose everything she had.

“Just what?”

the room, trying to find

was gained.


was strained, his eyes uneasily glanced at Pierce.


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Revealing the

gaze was fixed on Pamela.

a word, he was already seething

over, under Pierce’s gaze, somewhat reluctant.

look for it, but it was like a stone sinking into the sea, Pierce. You

an aura of gloom and coldness, and stood in

you steal

hung her head, remaining silent.

over, yanked Pamela and hit her

it’s you, how dare you, how dare you touch

was sharp and harsh, she slapped Pamela across the face, viciously pulling

are you, where did

unceremoniously slapped Pamela’s

swelled up

it. He walked over, rested

make up for it. Blaming her now


Revealing the True Colors

kicked her a few times in anger, cursing

deserved to die, who else to blame if

Nolan frowned.

was beaten, Pamela remained silent

the crying of the children inside the house only made

won’t talk, huh? Then I’ll kill your son!”

the house like a madwoman, snatching the child from the servant’s

lifting her child in


the child’s voice

fell from her

that Emelia might really hurt the child, couldn’t help but step

But immediately.

laugh, showing no signs

you might as well have killed him by

heart–wrenching words




89 Nevealing the The Clare

changed as well.

her child, snt on the ground, laughing and crying

him. Why should I bear a child for

looking at her

were you

panicked, wanting

wretch, he is your own son,

gave a miserable smile, her sorrowful

died, just today.”

a chill emanating from

did you? He was the one who hit you three years ago, the vegetative patient you ordered not to be

money for his medical expenses, my mother worked herself to death, and I became your person. Even giving birth to

shock, looking at her in disbelief.

merely regarded her as a poor student and didn’t bother to have her family



The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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