Chapter 71


Having the pleasure of having dinner with Lily and engaging in the most random conversations wasn't something I expected to relish again anytime soon. However, to my surprise found myself thoroughly enjoying our time together. After our meal. I urged Lily to head home and unwind, assuring her that I'd take care of the kids for one more night. Little did I know, the next morning would bring an unexpected call summoning me to an important meeting

With apologies overflowing. I drove the still drowsy kids back to Lily's place early that same morning. Despite waking her and the boys up so early, Lily was remarkably understanding, offering reassurance that it was no trouble at all. She even mentioned that the boys would likely doze off again soon, and being an early bird herself, she didn't mind the early start.

By ten o'clock in the morning, I found myself already at the office, grappling with an issue concerning a stolen design. Our company was facing a lawsuit from a rival firm, accusing us of pilfering their design. Initially, I brushed off the news with nonchalance. After all, this wasn't our first rodeo when it came to such accusations. Historically, we had always emerged victorious in such legal battles, often counter-suing for defamation of our public image and reputation.

However, as I examined the evidence laid out before me, a sinking feeling settled in the pit of my stomach. It seemed we were in serious trouble this time. Slamming the incriminating document onto the table, I let out a string of expletives in frustration.

*I believe we can resolve this," Angelo muttered quietly, but his words only served to fuel my anger further.

Turning my gaze sharply towards Angelo, I shot him a withering glare. "If you don't have anything meaningful to contribute, Angelo, then kindly keep your mouth shut," I snapped, my frustration nearing its boiling point. I felt like I was on the of firing anyone who so much as breathed or exhaled incorrectly in my vicinity.


With a resigned sigh, I pinched the bridge of my nose, gesturing vehemently towards the incriminating design laid bare on the table before us. "Who the hell was responsible for this?" I demanded, my voice laced with exasperation. I entrust people with the responsibility of carefully filtering every single design, ensuring its absolute originality before it even reaches my desk. Yet here I am, grappling with a throbbing headache over an issue I shell out paychecks to avoid.

Angelo swiftly seized the document and began flipping through its contents. "It appears to be the handiwork of team H," he responded, filling the void left by the apprehensive-silence of the others in the room, who seemed too petrified to even meet my gaze, let alone offer a coherent response.

My dark, angry gaze swept across everyone gathered in the room with me, seething with frustration. "And who has the honor of leading team H?" I snapped, my tone laced with indignation. A young lady timidly raised her hand. "Hope? Really?" I scoffed bitterly, my disappointment obvious. To say I was utterly disappointed would be a gross understatement.

her had swiftly vanished in the wake of this catastrophic situation. "Could you care to explain how

response. "I... I don't know how this happened, sir," she stammered, her gaze pleading for leniency ever

at hand will hardly serve to save us from the impending lawsuit, I retorted sharply. my irritation mounting at the sight

will get to the root

seriousness of the situation. "Do you think we're gathered here for a mere jamboree?" I retorted, my tone

Chapter 71

continued, my voice laced with barely contained fury. Her

cleared his throat in an attempt to diffuse the tensed atmosphere. "Let's all calm

patience wearing thin. Did Angelo even comprehend the immense pressure I was about to face from the board as a

Hope, I pointed emphatically at the document containing the incriminating sample. "Pick that

and retrieved the document, my impatience grew with each passing second. Watching her flip through the pages, I


do you look like you've seen a ghost?" I demanded. She couldn't possibly claim ignorance regarding the origin of these designs; it should be recorded in

beneath my feet. "What the hell did

her lower lip nervously, her eyes darting towards Angelo in a silent plea for assistance. Sensing her desperation, Angelo wisely chose to remain silent, refusing to intervene. "I said she resigned last month," Hope repeated, her voice trembling slightly. "She mentioned something about

shut obediently. "Who authorized her resignation letter?" I demanded struggling to recall ever approving such a document.

them out the door without a second thought. "Under whose authority did you sign off on a resignation letter?" I

eyes darting around the room. I didn't think it was a big deal, considering you were preoccupied with other matters," he offered weakly, his justification falling flat in the face of

echoed incredulously. "You didn't think it was a big deal to let one of my staff members depart without my explicit permission?" The realization dawned on me that perhaps I had been granting him too much autonomy within the company. "What could I possibly have been so preoccupied with that

with my question. His reaction to my question angered me the more. "I asked you a fucking question Angelo! What was

to think that I neglected work because I was going after my ex-wife and my kids. Honesty, I don't care what thise seated there has to say. Thereopinion of me is not going to clear this mess. "I have never passed the night at Lily's place." I pointed out to him. "you see

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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