Chapter 81



When days passed without any news of Ryan's release, I knew I had to visit him. With the weekend offering a more convenient time, I decided to take their child along, despite having to sacrifice their extracurricular activities for the trip. Booking a night flight, we embarked on the journey.

Upon arrival, we spent the night at Becky's place, and the following morning, I headed to the detention center to see Ryan. After receiving a visitor pass, I was directed to the visitation room and settled in to wait for him.

After a few minutes, the door swung open, and Ryan entered. He stopped short, his expression clouding with surprise and confusion. "What are you doing here, Lily?" he questioned, his frown deepening. Rising from my seat, I closed the distance between us and enveloped him in a hug. Despite his reluctance to admit it, I knew he needed the comfort of a hug. His hands hung limply at his sides as I held him close. Gradually, he reciprocated, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head against my neck.

We stood in silence for a moment before I gently pulled away from the embrace. "What's going on, Ryan? You assured me you were on the brink of resolving everything, yet here you are, behind bars." Ryan chuckled wryly as he walked over to the solitary seat. I followed suit, taking a seat opposite him. "It's nice to see you find humor in this situation," I remarked dryly. "But seriously, Ryan, what's really going on?"

He shrugged nonchalantly. "Someone was murdered, and someone has to be held accountable."

My confusion only deepened. "And why does that someone have to be you?" I pressed, unable to comprehend the situation fully.

"I'll just be here for a while," Ryan assured me, his tone calm. "I believe by now, the forensic results have been released, confirming the time of her death. All that needs to be done is to find CCTV footage or evidence proving my associates arrived after she was already deceased."

"And you believe they'll find it?" I asked skeptically, my doubts lingering. It wasn't uncommon for CCTV cameras in certain areas to malfunction, and the fact that they were taking so long to find evidence suggested that the camera near the victim's residence might indeed be out of order.

"Even if they don't, my father will," Ryan asserted confidently, his assurance causing a slight wave of relief to wash over me. Perhaps they did have the situation under control after all. "You look beautiful, by the way."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his attempt to lighten the mood. "This isn't the time for compliments, Ryan," I retorted, though his words did manage to bring a small smile to my lips.

He shrugged nonchalantly. "Even if I were facing my last moments, Lily, I would still find a way to compliment you" Letting out a sigh, he leaned back, crossed his arms, and fixed his gaze on me. "Promise me something, though. If I end up spending

more time in here, don't come back."

unexpected request. "What do

voice. "So, don't come back here. When I'm released, I want you

unconventional request. "I thought chicken was supposed to be

refined for a bottle




Jul 23

Chapter 81

personnel intervened. "How are the boys?" he inquired, shifting

chuckle escaping me as I recalled a recent conversation with Liam. "They all miss you,

tight line. "I can imagine. I promised him I'd attend

sure you'll find a way to make it up to him," I reassured him. Glancing at my wristwatch, I realized our time was running out. "I guess my visitation time is up." As he

of his cologne, knowing it would fade in time. "You have

the urge to cry, I pulled back, meeting his gaze. "Don't be so smug, Ryan. It

searched mine earnestly. "And

debated whether to evade the question, but ultimately, I knew he deserved the truth. "Yes, mine too. It would break my heart


ignore their presence, I continued walking towards my destination, but

me, her tone dripping with hostility. Stephanie, standing alongside her, regarded, me with nothing but resentment-a reversal of roles, as I should have been the one harboring such feelings towards

I explicitly instruct you to stay away from my son?"

by paying him a visit? Stephanie interjected, her tone accusatory. "You're neither a lawyer nor do you possess any evidence that could aid his case, so what use is

with calmness. "Something that, at this moment, neither of you can offer him. You should have witnessed the smile on his face and the laughter in his eyes

play smart with

is a bitter pill, sweetheart, but you just have to swallow it," I retorted, fixing them with a steely glare before continuing on my path towards my car. With purposeful strides I reached my vehicle, climbed in, and slammed the door shut before

in the living room. "Where are the boys?" I inquired, seeking distraction

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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