Chapter 89


Things werd exactly as Tespected them to go well except for the part where she demanded for one of the boys. I can't blame her for wanting to sur, she is just hurt by the turnout of events and when she is better and calmer, I will talk to her with hopes that the will change her mind.

Palling over on my driveway, I got out of the car and handed the key to one of my securities to park the car properly. I dragged my feet into the house, wondering how today ended up like this.

The day began on a high note, with the comforting aroma of Lily's presence enveloping me as I woke up, to be greeted by her standing naked in my bedroom. It continued smoothly with quality time spent with the boys. Yet, now I find myself grappling with the urgent task of preventing Lily from facing imprisonment and the revocation of her license.

Upon entering my bedroom, I made a beeline for the bar, seizing a bottle of scotch and drinking its contents straight from

the bottle.

My gaze drifted aimlessly around the vacant living room, my mind consumed by thoughts of how to save Lily from her predicament. If Angelo manages to procure the requested video and ensures the original copy is deleted, there might be a chance to save the situation and rescue Lily

In court, if you do not have a shred of evidence, you do not have a case.

I was about to move my gaze back to the scotch bottle when my eyes caught something on the white sofa.

Getting off my stool, I walked over to the sofa and picked up a silver bracelet that I was certain belonged to Lily because I had seen her wearing it a few times. It might have snapped off her wrist when I carried her to the bedroom.

Picking it up, I pocketed it, just in time for the front door to open. Angelo walked in, looking worried and stressed out as he always looks when things aren't going our way. "What is going on?" I asked him as I took another awing from my glass returning to the bar.

"The CCTV footage has taken by another individual who then proceeded to pay a significant sum to ensure the original recording was erased, Angelo disclosed, causing me to freeze with the glass hovering near my lips. I was equally taken aback, sir," he added in a subdued tone.

Setting the glass down slowly, I regarded him with a perplexed expression. "Could you elaborate further?" I prompted.

"Somebody beat us to it, Angelo clarified. "I had a talk with the management, offering a generous payment for the video, only to discover that it had already been deleted. When I inquired about the deletion, they informed me that another party had not only paid for a copy but also requested the deletion of the original footage."

My mind raced, narrowing down the potential culprits to just two individuals: my father and Stephanie. "Did you manage to obtain a name?" I inquired..

anything about it or mention names. Angelo responded, prompting a skeptical arch

that whoever orchestrated the deletion of the video coerced the management into silence regarding

my phone from the nearby tabletop, I punched in my

promise to steer clear of this case,"

refrain, I replied coolly, "That's not why I'm calling. Did you



Chapter 89

the ventral

was a pregnant pause before my father responded, "What are you

denial struck me as genuine; my father was not one to shirk responsibility, especially not with me. Til speak to

to reach Stephanie next, I dialed her number, only to be met with silence

my seat, I swiftly snatched my jacket and made a beeline for the door, only to be pursued by Angelo, who dashed after me in a frantic bid to prevent me from leaving him behind. "Where are you off to?" he exclaimed, sliding into

the task at hand as I ignited the engine and pulled out of the

she took it?" he asked, and when I didn't respond. he interpreted my silence as affirmation. "Please, sir, enlighten me on the situation so that I can

the loss of her unborn child and significant damage to her uterus. Stephanie is now threatening legal action against Lily for aggravated assault, which could

whistle cut through as he folded his arms, fixating on the view outside the windshield. This situation is a mess, sir," he

quiet," I snapped, my patience wearing thin, and to my

I parked the car and stormed into the elevator. I braced myself for what awaited me on Stephanie's ward. My father's security detail made no attempt to stop me, though I hadn't expected them to. Upon reaching

irony wasn't lost on me as I observed my mother's sudden presence, considering she hadn't bothered to visit when I was released from jail. Before I could utter a word, her furious stride carried her over to me,

back towards her, my hand clenching into a fist

intercepted her hand mid-air, holding it firmly in place. "Don't degrade yourself by

you, Ryan," she spat, her words

as well?" I retorted, my frustration boiling over. She was nothing more than an embodiment of parental failure, and she knew it. A mother who prioritizes wealth

glare, her fist clenched in anger. "A woman's future is in ruins, and

her, and I


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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