Chapter 97


I had been a week since I entered into that sham of a marriage with Stephanie, and not once had I stepped foot in the n house I acquired Instead, I found myself spending every night at the manor that I once shared with Lily during our marriage.

Tapping away on my phone's screen, I dialed Lily's number. After a few rings, she picked up, her voice sounding tired an wom. "Hey," she greeted softly, her appearance reflecting the fatigue evident in her voice. "I was just trying to fix some so

for Noah."

Concern creased my brow as I noticed the dark circles under her eyes. "Is everything okay?" I inquired, my worry for her growing with each passing moment.

Lily sighed wearily. "Noah has been running a fever all night, and I've been trying to calm it down," she explained, her vo tinged with exhaustion.

My heart sank at the news. "Noah is sick? Why didn't you tell me I asked, regretting not being there for my son during h

time of need.

She offered me a small smile as she attempted to fix her disheveled hair. "You already have enough on your plate," she murmured softly. "And I didn't want to bother you with this. Besides, he's all better now." "I want to be there," I whispered, feeling a pang of guilt for not being able to provide the support my son needed. The wei of my responsibilities at the office seemed unbearable in that moment, and I longed to be by Noah's side.

Lily paused, her expression turning somber as she sighed and let her shoulders droop. Tm really sorry about everything." she apologized, her voice heavy with regret. "How is Stephanie?

The mention of Stephanie's name brought a surge of resentment. "I don't know. I haven't seen her in a week, I admitted, r tone tinged with indifference. The truth was, I had little interest in her well-being Lily blinked slowly, her gaze thoughtful. "Even though I hate to say this, Ryan, but that woman needs you or someone she trusts by her side," she said gently. "She literally lost her baby and needs someone by her side."

"That baby was mine too, Lily, and I'm equally hurt that I didn't get to meet it," I replied, my voice tinged with bitterness. "But when I say that woman has moved on from her loss, she has moved on. It leaves me wondering sometimes if she reall cared for the baby or was just pretending to care."

expression softened, her plea heartfelt. "You should still check up on her, Ryan," she pleaded earnestly. "Please, if not for your sake or hers, then for the sake of my sanity. If that worn were to harm herself

frustrated sigh, I relented. "Fine, I conceded. Til

just received a call from your father,"

could find his way to my office. But if this was about Stephanie and our living arrangement, he'd

lips. He waved as soon as I turned the screen to him. "Hello, Lily, he greeted warmly.

fine, Angelo," she replied "And how



Chapin 197

to stops father and son from killing each other, he quipped, eliciting a chuckle from Lily I felt a surge of gratitude Towarchs him for lightening the mood. How are the Imps?" he

name, but it's

her voice laced with insigerity. Her eyes hetrayed her lie, twitching

"Give your father a call, sir. You know. how much that man scares me when he's

calls, I deadpanned, growing tired of Angelo's fear of my father.

and excused himself, muttering about finding something to eat in the

boys, I decided to stop by the new house and check on Stephanie. As I pulled into the driveway,

cream. She paused, spoon hovering near her mouth, as she caught sight of me walking in "Where the heck have you been?" she snapped, her tone

considering whether to turn around and leave now that I had confirmed she was still alive. You haven't been home in one week, Ryan, One whole damn week, she continued, her voice tinged with accusation. "I have been home," I replied flatly, unmoved by her outburst and unapologetic of the thoughts going through my head. Stephanie gestured wildly with her hands. "What do you mean you've been home? Are you trying to tell me you've been in this house for a week, and

further into the house. "I said I've been home, Stephanie. But home isn't with you, and most definitely isn't

hurt, the redness betraying her unspoken emotions.

consider home," I replied calmly, refusing to engage in her attempt to provoke me. Moving into the kitchen, I grabbed a bottle of water before returning to face her. "Lily is in Canada, and I've been swamped with



The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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