Chapter 99


The next day. I made a quirk or what was suppose to be a quickarop to pick up my final gift for Lily-a stunning oil portrait of her. Trained with pure gol However, upon my arrival, I discovered that there had been some errors in the production. process, resulting in the portrait not being ready as scheduled. Adjusting my plans accordingly. I rescheduled my trip to

sice that the portrait would be completed by the time I departed.

Thankfully, upon my returns, the portrait was ready, and the tear at the studio apologized profusely for the delay. To make amends, they offered me a complimentary portrait, a gesture that I graciously accepted without hesitation.

By the time I arrived in Canada, evening had already descended. Making a quick detour at the cake shop, I selected a deberous cake for Lily before making my way to her place

Upon reaching the gate, it swung open wide to welcome me, and I drove through without hesitation. Coming to a stop. I was pleasantly surprised when the front door of the house swung open, and the boys came rushing out to greet me. With a smile. I left the cake safely in the car to prevent it from being damaged and to give myself the freedom to lift the boys into

Ethan was the first to reach me, and I lifted him up, showering his face with affectionate kisses. Liam followed, though he seemed less enthusiastic about the display of affection, playfully pushing my face away. Lastly, Noah approached, and I had to set down the other two boys to lift him up into my arms.

He wrapped his tiny arms around my neck, and my heart swelled with emotion as he whispered. "I missed you. Dad: The pain in his voice tugged at my heartstrings, and I fought to keep my emotions in check as I held him close.

I missed you too, big man" I replied affectionately, kissing Noah's neck before setting him down and turning to embrace Lily as she approached. She melted into my arms, and I held her close, whispering softly. "I missed you, love," while planting a gentle kiss on her neck

"I missed you too, she murmured, pulling back slightly to meet my gaze.

Grinning with excitement. I stepped back from the embrace and retrieved the cake from the car. "Happy birthday, love." I declared, presenting the cake to her with a warm smile.

Her eyes welled up with tears of joy. "You remembered, she whispered, clearly moved by the gesture.

Td be a fool not to, I replied earnestly, my heart swelling with affection for her. Reaching into the back seat, I retrieved the portrait and presented it to her. I wanted to add my face to it, but then I realized that today is all about you"

Lily chuckled through her tears, her expression radiant with happiness. "Thank you so much, I love it, she exclaimed.

"Come on, let's go in." I suggested, gesturing towards the house.

"We were just about to have an early dinner, so you're welcome to join us." Lily offered, her voice tinged with surprise. "T honestly didn't expect you

this for anything, I reassured her,

extra plate for me, while


to help me," she protested the moment she spotted me. "I can

wrapped my arm around her waist and planted a kiss on her neck.


for me?" she whispered,

sparkling in her vepted the bag and eagerly began to unwrap it. As she revealed the contents, her words trailed off, and her expression shitted to one of awe. "Are these real.

exclammed, lifting her head to meet my gare.

her, causing her to kiss my check instead Seeing the slight frown that creased her brow, I reached out to gently touch her jaw, turning her to

my voice tilled with tenderness. Im the one who isn't worthy of you

offered me a tight smile. "Thank you so much; I really love the


her and intertwining our fingers. Tm sure the kids are waiting for

we indulged in the cake settling in to watch a movie. However, I

my thoughts, drawing my attention back to her. "You've been

had not gone unnoticed. I decided to offer her an explanation before she could come up with her own conclusions. "I sent Angelo on a mission, and he's giving me

"Is it something I should know

hint of concer

in the dark. I nodded. The Lamborghini you returned to Jake is being auctioned tonight, and Angelo is going to find out who the

formed on her forehead. Isn't Jake the

person who paid for the car is the one setting it up for auction. They're also the one assisting

I assured her, wanting to ease any worries she might have. As she returned

my gate and I broke up with

grin spread across my face. For real?" I asked, unable to contain my excitement at the

smile matching mine.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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