Chapter 101


"Did you sell it?" I asked my father the moment he stepped into the living room.

My parents house isn't somewhere I frequent so often because this place brings notthig but bad memories. It reminds of how much I am not loved.

How ironic, I am not loved by my husband, nor am I loved by my parents. How great is my life.

"Yes, I did." He replied, moving over to the other end of the sofa. "it was sold last night." He replied and when I didn't give a response, he lifted his head to me. "it was sold for five

hundred thousand."

I arched a brow. "Really?" I was really expecting more. "when am I getting my money?" he didn't respond and I leaned forward. "when am I getting my money? I paid for half of that Lambo and I want my money back."

"I was thinking we could keep the money apart and use it as part of that-" My father began, his tone suggesting he was trying to reason with me.

"I want you to stop thinking and return my money to me," I snapped, cutting him off abruptly. "That money was from my savings, and it's going back there. So you better give it back to me before I lose my patience with you."

My father's jaw clenched angrily at my defiance. "How can you be worried about your savings?" he challenged incredulously

"Why shouldn't I?" I shot back, my frustration bubbling to the surface. "I worked hard for it, so of course I should be worried about it! Why should I constantly worry about a mess you created?"

Just then, my mother entered the living room, a cup of tea in hand. "Can you both stop it?" she chastised, her tone firm as she glared at both of us. "Just give her back her money, Waper. It isn't even going to go halfway in clearing a debt that you created."

For once, I felt a surge of relief that my mother was taking my side in this argument.


15:55 Thu, Jul 25 BGO

Chapter 101


handle the firm."

retire," my father responded

into the ground? Until you jeopardize everything for us?" She pointed her painted finger at me. "She is willing to sacrifice herself to help clear this mess, and the

flatly, unable to contain my frustration. "You both, along with that bastard, literally forced

gritted out, his patience wearing thin. "When we get to that bridge of me retiring, we will cross it." With a heavy sigh, he removed his glasses and leaned back in his chair.

I truly wanted. Perhaps it's because marrying Ryan feels like the safest option for me right now. I can tolerate his hurtful

"I signed a prenuptial agreement before the marriage, which you're well aware of. He would

to get pregnant, give him an heir, file for divorce, and then demand child support," my father spat out bitterly, his frustration

With a heavy sigh,

dripping with bitterness. "Get him drugged, lure him into a compromising situation with another woman, snap some pictures, and file for a divorce." He licked his




Chapter 101

if you manage to drug him, how do you propose to get him into a room with another woman to take pictures? What do you think his security will do while you attempt such a reckless scheme?" I rolled my eyes at the sheer impracticality of his suggestion. "Please, let's think of something else." "Then get pregnant," he retorted callously, his tone unyielding. "I think you've mourned the loss of that thing enough. Seduce

something, but I doubt it'll be enough to pay off your debt." "What do you mean you won't be getting enough?" He inquired, and I tried to

suppress a smile at the expression of dismay on his face. "He's already made it clear that his properties and companies will be transferred to his sons and Lily." "What the hell?" my father erupted, leaping to his feet in outrage. "Why on

he wouldn't agree to the marriage," I explained calmly, opting for the option that seemed to

see the purpose of this marriage!" my father

efforts? Did he have any idea of the humiliation and insults I endure from Ryan? "Do you want me

his eyes. "Shut the hell up!" he spat

laced with regret. "We should have



Chapter for

of money for a woman?"

voice. They didn't seem to understand the depth of Ryan's love for Lily. "Do you honestly believe that a man who willingly sacrificed his freedom for a woman wouldn't be willing to part with a significant sum

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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