Chapter 103


I was engrossed in my work at the office when my phone suddenly rang, interrupting my concentration. Frowning at the unfamiliar number displayed on the screen, I hesitated for a moment before deciding to answer it. As a doctor, I knew that it could potentially be an emergency, so I couldn't afford to ignore it.

Swiping the answer button, I brought the phone to my ear. "Dr. Urch," I greeted professionally.

To my dismay, a familiar voice scoffed on the other end, instantly souring my mood. "I thought by now, you would have gone back to answering a Williams," he sneered bitterly.

Rolling my eyes at his bitterness, I put the call on speakerphone so I could multitask while dealing with whatever nonsense he was about to throw at me. "What do you want, Jake? I'm very busy at the moment," I responded, trying to keep my annoyance in check.

There was a brief silence on the other end, and for a moment, I thought he had hung up. But then his voice came through abruptly. "I think something is wrong with me, doctor," he admitted.

My finger hesitated over the laptop keys as I processed Jake's words. "What is wrong with you, Jake?" I asked, my concern mingling with skepticism. Could he truly be serious? Was something genuinely wrong with him? Despite our adversarial relationship, I was bound by my oath as a doctor to provide assistance when needed.


you explain your symptoms?" I pressed, hoping for a clearer understanding of his condition.

"My heart," he whispered hoarsely, his voice filled with pain. "It hurts so hard, and it's filled with anger and resentment."

anger was directed towards me and his resentment towards Ryan. Exhaling tiredly, I resumed typing, unable to fully engage with Jake's plight. "I don't have time for your games, Jake. And please, stop

you block me, you filed a




Chapter 10a

to a crescendo that made me wince, pitying my eardrums. "Of all men

such psychopathic behavior," I finally asserted. "When you behave

sent a chill down my

every damn time," he continued, his

him," I muttered under my breath. "I should thank him for finally seeing through the facade and recognizing the darkness that you desperately

I wondered if he was crying, but I dared not ask. "Don't call me again, Jake,"

the call, his voice

Jake's ominous words echoed in my mind, sending a shiver down my spine.

was surprised to see Becky's number on the caller ID. Putting aside my work,

girl?" I greeted enthusiastically.

okay right now," Becky responded hurriedly,

my face faded, replaced by concern. "Is everything okay? Is your husband

me," she blurted out. "It's about you,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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