Chapter 105


As I sat there, the weight of guilt pressed heavily on my shoulders. I couldn't help but blame myself for what had happened. Ryan had been cautious, trying to maintain a distance, but I had been insistent, clinging to him like a lifeline. I vividly remembered that morning when he had urged me not to accompany him to the airport, but my desperation to see him off had overridden his caution.

Even as we stood beside the car, I had reached out to hold his hand, unwilling to let go. In hindsight, I realized that I had been the architect of my own downfall, the instigator of this mess. No one else was to blame for my suspension but myself.

Sighing heavily, I stared into my glass, the amber liquid swirling within. I couldn't bear to face my children with the anger that burned within me, so I had made a detour to the bar, seeking to unburden some of that anger in the numbing embrace of alcohol. I paid little attention to the young man nearby, aware of the fact that he was surreptitiously filming me. He was likely just another paparazzo, masquerading as an ordinary bystander.

The sound of Jake's voice sliced through the air, jolting me out of my thoughts. I braced myself as he slid into the seat next to me, his presence unwelcome. "You should have listened to me and stayed away from him," he admonished, his tone dripping with disdain. "That man has been nothing but trouble to you."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his words. "As opposed to you being what?" I retorted sarcastically. "A blessing?" Raising my hand, I glanced at my watch, the seconds ticking by ominously. "You have just a minute to get out of this place, or I'm calling the cops." It seemed he had conveniently forgotten about the restraining order that had been filed against him.

He scoffed dismissively, his arrogance grating on my nerves. "I came in here before you did, Lily," he argued defensively. "I literally watched you walk in here, so why should I be the one to leave?"

I clenched my jaw, struggling to maintain my composure in the face of his provocation. This was the last thing I needed right now-an encounter with Jake, a constant reminder of past mistakes and heartache. Frustration and anger boiled within me as I found myself trapped in another confrontation with Jake. What was I even doing here? With a heavy sigh, I reached





Chapter 105

that bottle over his head bro fleeting sense of

would I have to feign ignorance with him? Ryan had al uncovered Jake's alliance, so why continue this charade of pretending

mind consumed by thoughts of confronting Jake's betrayal head-on. Finding a safe spot to pu retrieved my phone and dialed Ryan's number, relief flooding

"Hey," He breathed out.

you waiting for my call?" I teased, the tensic earlier encounter slowly disappearing at the sound of

confessed, was contemplating calling and

Lsmiled. "We already established the fact th working with Waper," I pointed out, going straight

"Yes, and?"

was wondering why I have to keep pretending around Jake that he is not a liar

out what Waper has to gain in all of these." Ryan re: "The moment I get that, I will be helping you kick Jake to jail, and I will ha WAper and his associates, assuming he has one." He fell silent for a while. "Did you run into Jake?" he asked abruptly and Ib lips knowing he figured it

bar, just

fact that you went t bar under this circumstance." He

responded, the truth rolling

when he approached you?" he asked again, "did



Jul 25

Chapter las cops?TM

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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