Chapter 112 RYAN

Before Lily stirred from her slumber, I had already slipped out of bed, seen to the children's morning routine, and instructed the staff to allow me to prepare breakfast alongside them.

As Lily descended the stairs, radiant in her simple yet stunning summer dress, a warm smile graced her lips upon meeting my gaze. "Good morning," she greeted cheerfully. Not one to shy away from public displays of affection, I pulled her into a kiss, causing her cheeks to flush with color. "Good morning to you too, my love," I replied with a playful grin. "You look absolutely lovely and you smell nice."

Her blush deepened as she chuckled softly. "That's because I just showered," she explained, making her way to the dining table to inspect the spread of food. "Did you prepare all of this?" she inquired, turning to look at me.

I nodded proudly, pulling out a chair for her. "The kids and I pitched in," I confirmed.


Chuckling, Lily made her way over to the boys, who were more interested in devouring the food than greeting her properly. Nonetheless, she leaned in to kiss each of their cheeks affectionately. "Thank you for helping Daddy fix breakfast," she praised them warmly.

Liam's nose wrinkled in manner that indicated he was about to share something amusing. "He burnt the food two times," he declared matter-of-factly, earning a chuckle from Lily. "He was supposed to keep stirring it, but he didn't."

Lily's eyes sparkled with amusement as she turned to me, a teasing smile playing on her lips. "Really?" she quipped, her tone light. "Well, thank goodness he didn't burn down the whole house." Scoffing good-naturedly, I took my place beside her at the table. "I was just a tad distracted," I admitted, offering her a sheepish grin. "I was mostly on the phone with Angelo."

Lily's fork paused mid-air as she processed my revelation, her gaze meeting mine with a mixture of curiosity and cacern. "What did you and Angelo discuss?" she inquired softly, her tone tinged w a hint of apprehension. "You still don't want to



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Chapter 112

talk about it?"

Taking a deep breath, I decided it was time to open up to her. "I'm in the process of divorcing Stephanie," I confessed, watching her closely for any reaction. She remained impassive as I continued. “I discovered that she was never actually pregnant."

A furrow formed between her brows as confusion clouded her features. "What do you mean she was never pregnant?" she pressed, her grip tightening around the fork.

growing unease, I reached across the table to take her hand in mine, offering what comfort I could. "Stephanie lied about being pregnant, Lily," I explained gently. "She's infertile." As I recounted everything I had learned about Waper's deceitful actions and

accountable for his deception. After all, he no longer held any power over

more positive.Angelo is handling my divorce with Stephanie, you're not currently tied up with work,

"Sure," she replied. "As upset as I am with Stephanie for deceiving me and making me carry the guilt of her false pregnancy, I'm grateful that it was

making arrangements. Within two days, we were on our way to Cuba. The boys were very excited to travel that they chatted away

vacation was meant to be a break for Lily as well. She deserved some time to relax and unwind, away from the constant demands of parenting. Plus, I welcomed the chance to have her all to myself, even if just for a moment. The first day was spent settling into our temporary abode and enjoying the comforts of home. But on the second day, we ventured out to explore





Chapter 112

new sights and

It was a precious moment of tranquility, something we hadn't experienced in far too long, largely due to my past mistakes. As the boys frolicked and giggled, their joyous laughter echoed against the backdrop of

to her. "You know, I think the boys are having more fun burying each other than building sandcastles," I remarked, watching as Liam

onto her palm. "Well, at least they're

voice broke through the chatter, his excitement radiant. "Dad, can we go snorkeling later? I want to see the

my face.

joined in, their enthusiasm contagious.

Lily, who nodded in agreement. "Sounds like a plan. But first, let's grab some

to a nearby beachside restaurant, the boys bounding ahead

think we should try some traditional Cuban dishes?" I suggested,

go for the Ropa Vieja

we settled into our seats and waited for our food, Ethan's curiosity got the better of him. Tugging at my sleeve, he asked, "Dad, why do

buddy, legend has it that it




Chapter 112

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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