Chapter 121


Lying on the sofa in the living room with Ryan and the boys as we watched a movie, my phone pinged. I reached for the phone and clicked on the email icon. The mail I read made me sit up. Dear Lily Urch,

I hope this message finds you well.

As the board of shareholders for Central Hospital Canada, we are writing to provide an official update regarding your current status. As you are aware, you were placed on suspension effective on the 12th of April, pending the outcome of the case of having caused unwanted attention to the hospital.

We appreciate your cooperation during this period and understand the importance of transparency and due process. As of now, the board has decided to call you up for an impromptu meeting to discuss the measures that will determine your resumption to your office. Please make yourself available at the hospital on the 20th of May.

My eyes widened with shock and surprise. "I think I am getting my job back!" I blurted out and Ryan glanced at me curiously. I passed the phone to him. "I just received the mail right now, I think I am getting my job back.

Ryan quickly read through the message before handing the phone back to me. "I am really glad that you got your job back, but this isn't the perfect timing for that."

frowned. "What is that supposed to mean?" For someone who claims to be happy for me, he looks far from it.

Exhaling heavily, he glanced at the kids before turning to face me. "Listen to me Lily with an open mind and don't try to get me wrong." he reached for my hand. "if you want to go back to work, you know I won't be against it. I decided to move to Canada because I didn't want you to have to choose between anyone and your job, that is how much I respect it, but right now, going back to the place where Jake was declared wanted isnt the wisest decision and you know it."

"There is also a wanted man here," I argued. Waper is also wanted and he is currently residing in this city.

"I can protect you better here." He stressed, his tone slowly flaring. "If you move to Canada, I won't have the same security leverage I have here."

He is right and I know it, why then am I being stubborn? "Fine, get what you are trying to say." I huffed out, my lips stretching into a pout, "however, I had another suggestion."


will attend the meeting and officially ask for more time to handle personal issues." That sounds like a flexible

be gone for?" he asked

will have to leave for Canada

gaze to the television. "Sending them a mail for an adjournment for

people can easily kick me out of my seat Ryan, and I am not going to give them more reason to

at me momentarily, gave me a sharp nod, and returned to his attention to

I said, I left for Canada on Sunday. Although Ryan didn't like the fact that I was leaving, he dropped me



Chapter 121


call and informed him that I had arrived. He insisted vehemently insisted that I give him a call constantly and keep

to do that, I disconnected the call and went straight to bed, skipping dinner because I


hospital for the meeting. On getting there, other doctors were excited to see me and

me right up to it. The moment the elevator opened, the first face I saw was Veronica.

wasn't I informed that

of the way and got into the elevator. Rolling my eyes, I took

I received a text from Julia, the lady on the mortuary



The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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