Ian shrugged his shoulders helplessly and looked at Leah. His eyes were full of tenderness as he said, “I wish to accompany Sarah as I’m not comfortable leaving her alone. However, I’m occupied at work.”

“Tsk tsk. Look at the lovebirds.”

“Someone has finally captured the heart of our school hunk. So many girls are going to have their hearts broken.”

The men at the table chatted merrily and teased Ian and Leah. In contrast, the two female volunteers had bitter expressions and hardly consumed any food.

“Why aren’t you eating?” Bryan asked in concern when he noticed the women’s odd attitude.

The lady with curly hair, Rebecca Patel, forced a smile and said, “It’s all right. I can’t take spicy food.”

Ian said apologetically, “I’m sorry, I selected this restaurant as Sarah likes the food here. I forget to ask for your preferences.”

Rebecca scowled, her eyes glistening as she tried to fight back her tears. While Leah failed to notice the woman’s annoyance, Serena did. She smirked as she realized she had discovered a secret.

When dinner was coming toward the end, Sunny and the rest gave a toast to Ian. After downing three glasses of alcohol, Ian said, “Although I’m unable to join the trip, I’m confident that you guys will look after Sarah for me. She has a weak physique, so I’m worried that she’s unable to adapt to the harsh conditions there. Do keep me informed if there’s an emergency.”

“Of course, we will. We have been friends for so long, Ian. We’ll definitely take good care of your fiancee.” Bryan, who was slightly intoxicated, pounded his chest and assured. Sunny, on the other hand, was unusually silent. His face flushed and his eyes were hollow as if he was deep in thought.

had eaten their fill, Sunny stood up and announced,

made their way toward the restroom. However, once the duo was close to the restroom, they made a detour and hid in

into the woman’s good books?” Sunny glared at Rebecca and

“I didn’t mean to defy your instructions. I couldn’t help myself when I saw

time ago to get lost if you are not up

noticed her face turning crimson with rage. “Don’t blame me for being blunt,” he softened his tone. “I’m just being

act so righteous, you only care about your own interest. We are in the same precarious situation now,”

heard Rebecca’s threats. However, he had no choice but to control his temper. The man sighed before urging, “Just bear with it for a while longer. Once

face scrunched up as resentment festered in her. Eventually, she swallowed down her frustration and nodded her head

restaurant, a tall dark figure stepped out of the shadows. He frowned as he watched the duo disappear from sight. After a brief

for being embedded in the mountains. There were approximately seven to eight villages

was nonchalant about staying in an underdeveloped location as she had endured hardships before she married Han. Serena, on

the only school within a ten-mile radius.

further, “They walk a few miles a day just to

all the students be taught the

a result, those locals with some form of education would strive to leave their village and find work elsewhere. As a result, there are very few

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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