The color drained out of Sunny’s face so fast, like someone poured a pail of cold water on his head.

Sunny started to panic. He turned and met Han’s cold stare.

“Why, why are you here?” Sunny was stammering.

Han sneered. Then, he ignored Sunny and walked toward Leah instead. His dark eyes never left her.

In a situation like this, Leah found Han was more safe compared to evil Sunny.

Leah quickly pulled her shirt straight and wanted to go toward Han.

“Stop!” However, Sunny tried to prevent Han from leaving. “Han Howard, she’s mine! You can’t take her away.”

Han smirked like he heard something funny. “Get lost,” he said.

Han had always been in power. So he did not consider someone like Sunny a threat.

However, he forgot what would happen when one cornered a rat, especially when Sunny’s intention was exposed.

Sunny knew Han would never let him go easily. So, Sunny could not let Han and Leah leave the place alive!

During that brief moment, Sunny had planned multiple ways to kill them and pretend it was an accident.

Han did not pay attention to Sunny and walked toward Leah. That’s why he was startled when Sunny attacked him.

“Han, watch out!” Leah noticed Sunny’s attack and reminded Han.

Luckily Han was quick and agile. He dodged Sunny’s clumsy attack and threw Sunny over his shoulder.

Sunny did not expect a rich man like Han Howard was so good in martial arts.

He lay on the ground in despair.

After throwing Sunny to the ground, Han immediately went to Leah. “I’ll bring you home.” That was the first thing Han said to Leah.

ask what happened or even try to comfort Leah. Instead, he said it like that was the most normal thing in the

Leah’s hand was trembling. She looked up

She wanted to lean on the man in front of her, even only

Then, suddenly, she saw a dark

his arm high with a rock in his hand and struck Han with

“Han!” Leah screamed.

reacted quickly and kicked Sunny on his stomach. Sunny flew ten feet away.

down from Han’s head to his nose bridge and

Leah’s face paled seeing

if he did not feel the pain. “I’m fine. Let’s

her lips together and

Did I

you want to clean your

get you out of here after

her heart

he was worried

his jacket and placed it on

because her shirt was in an embarrassing

looked at Sunny disgustedly. “What should we do

I’ll take care of him later. He’s not getting away from this,” said

words. No one could run away from Han, no matter which corner of

That included Leah.

to walk, but suddenly she hissed. The pain from her twisted ankle stopped her

her. “What’s the


frowned a little. Then, he stooped down in front of Leah. “Get on

get too close to Han, let alone touch him, but

Han said

a moment, Leah bit her lips

back, Leah

the uneven ground in the jungle. Sensing Leah’s embarrassment, Han did

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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