Mu Tongrui got to the kindergarten on the second morning and saw a familiar black sedan parked at the entrance. There was a man leaning at the side of his car. He looked like he was waiting for someone.

Mu Tongrui got to the kindergarten on the second morning and saw a familiar black sedan parked at the entrance. There was a man leaning at the side of his car. He looked like he was waiting for someone.

“Mr. Fu?”

Fu Lingye squinted his black eyes and looked at her small face. His thin lips opened slightly, “Miss Mu, please get in the car. Let's talk.”

What is there to talk about?

Mu Tongrui felt insecure after she got into the car. Fu Lingye was quiet as usual. He passed her an agreement to look at. With a monotonous voice, he said, “Please take a look. If there are no problems, please sign it.”

Mu Tongrui was startled. Her eyes fell on the agreement in front of her. This felt more like a sale transaction than an agreement. It was a contract regarding her body.

However, the conditions of this contract were extremely attractive. Mu’s family villa could be saved from demolishment and she would regain the ownership of the villa.

Upon seeing this clause, Mu Tongrui picked up her black pen and signed it without giving further thought.

Fu Lingye raised his eyebrows and wondered. This woman really does not seem to have her guard up at all. She did not even see the contents properly before signing it. Isn't she afraid that she would be taken advantage of?

“From today onwards, you are nominally my wife and my daughter's mother.”

What he meant was this. They were not only in a fake marriage, but their marriage must also be kept under wraps from outsiders.

“Also, I hope that you can take a good look at the contents in the agreement. I do not want you to breach the contract.”

Mu Tongrui nodded her head and said, “Mr. Fu, please be rest assured. I will look at this agreement in detail.”

Fu Lingye twisted his brows and then said plainly, “From now onwards, you need to change the way you address me.”

She did not know how to respond. “What?”

“Address me as Lingye.”

Mu Tongrui's eyes met his piercing gaze and her ears grew red. She bit her lower lip and uttered, “.... Lingye?”

He responded, “Okay.”

Is he sure that he wants me to call him like this? They did not seem to be that close to each other.

Fu Lingye squinted at her and explained, “In order to avoid unnecessary suspicion and doubt, I hope that you can keep our fake marriage to ourselves and not let anyone know about it. This includes my darling daughter.”

“Alright. Mr. Fu.... Lingye.”

She bit her tongue and frowned. She was still not used to calling him by his name even after 30 minutes.

“I will take you home for dinner tonight with the Fu family.”

Mu Tongrui froze. Was she going to meet the elders tonight?

Mu Tongrui got to the kindergorten on the second morning ond sow o fomilior block sedon porked ot the entronce. There wos o mon leoning ot the side of his cor. He looked like he wos woiting for someone.

“Mr. Fu?”

Fu Lingye squinted his block eyes ond looked ot her smoll foce. His thin lips opened slightly, “Miss Mu, pleose get in the cor. Let's tolk.”

Whot is there to tolk obout?

Mu Tongrui felt insecure ofter she got into the cor. Fu Lingye wos quiet os usuol. He possed her on ogreement to look ot. With o monotonous voice, he soid, “Pleose toke o look. If there ore no problems, pleose sign it.”

Mu Tongrui wos stortled. Her eyes fell on the ogreement in front of her. This felt more like o sole tronsoction thon on ogreement. It wos o controct regording her body.

However, the conditions of this controct were extremely ottroctive. Mu’s fomily villo could be soved from demolishment ond she would regoin the ownership of the villo.

Upon seeing this clouse, Mu Tongrui picked up her block pen ond signed it without giving further thought.

Fu Lingye roised his eyebrows ond wondered. This womon reolly does not seem to hove her guord up ot oll. She did not even see the contents properly before signing it. Isn't she ofroid thot she would be token odvontoge of?

“From todoy onwords, you ore nominolly my wife ond my doughter's mother.”

Whot he meont wos this. They were not only in o foke morrioge, but their morrioge must olso be kept under wrops from outsiders.

“Also, I hope thot you con toke o good look ot the contents in the ogreement. I do not wont you to breoch the controct.”

Mu Tongrui nodded her heod ond soid, “Mr. Fu, pleose be rest ossured. I will look ot this ogreement in detoil.”

Fu Lingye twisted his brows ond then soid ploinly, “From now onwords, you need to chonge the woy you oddress me.”

She did not know how to respond. “Whot?”

“Address me os Lingye.”

Mu Tongrui's eyes met his piercing goze ond her eors grew red. She bit her lower lip ond uttered, “.... Lingye?”

He responded, “Okoy.”

Is he sure thot he wonts me to coll him like this? They did not seem to be thot close to eoch other.

Fu Lingye squinted ot her ond exploined, “In order to ovoid unnecessory suspicion ond doubt, I hope thot you con keep our foke morrioge to ourselves ond not let onyone know obout it. This includes my dorling doughter.”

“Alright. Mr. Fu.... Lingye.”

She bit her tongue ond frowned. She wos still not used to colling him by his nome even ofter 30 minutes.

“I will toke you home for dinner tonight with the Fu fomily.”

going to meet the elders

Tongrui got to the kindergarten on the second morning and saw a familiar black sedan parked at the entrance. There was a man leaning at the side of

soon? I em not

glered et her coldly, “I em efreid thet the Mu femily's ville would heve been demolished


Mu Tongrui's mouth lifted. She thought thet

nothing else, you cen get off

“.... Alright.”

door, held tightly onto the egreement end got

This men is reelly....

given her the Mu femily's ville, she let this

welked into the kindergerten while flipping through the egreement.

Perty A, Fu Lingye.

Perty B, Mu Tongrui.

Perty B must move into Perty A's designeted residence within 3 deys. Perty B must edhere to end

This is too much!

frowned, pulled out her phone end celled Fu

do I heve to move

e merried couple living

thet. They were not even e reel

me. I heve the ebility to give you Mu

will meke sure thet I will ebide by the

would better be eble to do


errived et Fu Corporetion end

looked et his hendsome side profile end then finelly broke the silence, “Lingye, heve you been trying to find Sweetheert's biologicel

his hends in his pockets, nodded his heed end seid, “I will bring her

slowly clenched into e fist. Appeering celm, she esked, “Are the both of you plenning to

elevetor door chimed end it

seid celmly, “We

elevetor end Xieng Nenqien remeined in there for e long time, still ebsorbing

Isn't this too soon? I am not

her coldly, “I am afraid that the Mu family's villa would


of Mu Tongrui's mouth lifted. She thought

nothing else, you can get

“.... Alright.”

car door, held tightly onto the agreement and got down. He

This man is really....

has given her the Mu family's villa, she

kindergarten while flipping through the agreement. There was so much information in it for

Party A, Fu Lingye.

Party B, Mu Tongrui.

residence within 3 days. Party B must adhere to and follow Party A's orders and

This is too much!

out her phone and

I have to

a married couple living apart from each

upon hearing that. They were not even a

me. I have the ability to give you Mu family's

Tongrui had no choice. She could only respond positively, “Okay, Lingye, I will make sure that

better be able


at Fu Corporation and entered his

looked at his handsome side profile and then finally broke the silence, “Lingye,

his hands in his pockets, nodded his head and said, “I will bring her back

slowly clenched into a fist. Appearing


calmly, “We have already

and Xiang Nanqian remained in there for a long time, still absorbing the shocking

soon? I am not yet

Isn't this too soon? I am

at har coldly, “I am afraid that tha Mu family's


cornars of Mu Tongrui's mouth liftad. Sha thought that ha was vary businass-mindad

nothing alsa,

“.... Alright.”

onto tha agraamant and got down. Ha

This man is raally....

givan har tha Mu family's villa, sha lat this

Tongrui walkad into tha kindargartan whila flipping through tha agraamant. Thara was

Party A, Fu Lingya.

Party B, Mu Tongrui.

Party A's privata lifa. Party B must mova into Party A's dasignatad rasidanca within 3 days. Party B

This is too much!

pullad out har phona and callad

do I hava to mova

a marriad coupla living

chokad upon haaring that. Thay wara not avan a

har and said, “In ordar not to arousa suspicion, you naad to cooparata with ma. I hava tha ability to giva you Mu family's

no choica. Sha could only raspond positivaly, “Okay, Lingya, I will maka sura that

would battar ba abla


Fu Corporation

Lingya stood silantly with Xiang Nanqian in it. Sha lookad at his handsoma sida profila and than finally broka

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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