Mu Tongrui's sense told her that she needed to push this man away, but her sensibility made her lose control. The kiss was deep and domineering and their breathings turned heavier. With tears in her eyes, Mu Tongrui couldn't help but wrapped her arms around Fu Lingye's neck.

Just when Mu Tongrui was into it, he stopped suddenly and stared at her coldly without any trace of emotion in his eyes. He even removed her hands that were wrapping around his neck.

Mu Tongrui's eyes were still moist and hazy, then she heard Fu Lingye say in a cold voice, “Didn't you do everything to leave me? Why are you holding me now? Mu Tongrui, what do you take me for?”


She was speechless. She bit her lips and stared at him with reddened eyes for a long time. Mu Tongrui was sick with his attitude so she opened the car door and got out of the car feeling embarrassed.

Fu Lingye looked at the slender woman who was walking away in the rearview mirror as he narrowed his eyes slightly.

Mu Tongrui ran hard but the more she ran, the harder it was for her to breathe. She felt her stomach churning, she fell on the flowerbed by the roadside, leaned over and threw up.

She felt nausea just thinking of the meaty dishes on the dinner table tonight and threw up even more.

Just when she was about to collapse from the vomiting. She whined uncomfortably and helplessly on the flowerbed. Then, a low, indifferent voice approached her and asked, “Are you feeling ill?”


“I have been feeling very sick every day for the past two weeks.”


Mu Tongrui cried profusely. She was not sure if it was because of the morning sickness, or Fu Lingye's words.

Fu Lingye handed her a bottle of water. Mu Tongrui rinsed her mouth and sat by the flowerbed to rest. Then, Fu Lingye got down on one knee before her and cleaned her mouth with a tissue gently.

This touched her heartstrings and Mu Tongrui couldn't stop her tears from rolling down her cheeks.

do you look for

avoid me

told her that she needed to push this man away, but her sensibility made her lose control. The kiss was deep and domineering and their breathings turned heavier. With tears in her eyes, Mu Tongrui couldn't help but wrapped her arms around Fu Lingye's

forward and wrapped her arms around his neck tight as she pressed her small face against his

haven't thought that but I have been very unhappy since the time I left you. I think I will

Qiao Sang to meet me at the Banyan Tree

alive. I dared not see you reuniting with

arms and fixed his gaze at her tear-stained face. “So you left me without any hesitation before

don't want to

quiet nights alone. Hence, she would rather leave him before he

“Mu Tongrui, you're heartless.”

came looking

coldly. “I came to you just so I can get back

“Huh? What is it?”

for a long

Tongrui's mind went blank for a few seconds, then her tears

and patted his shoulder. “Get up

her arms around his neck tight and asked, “Where are we


word but it pulled at Mu Tongrui's heartstrings lighting up

at night, and the street was a little deserted. She lowered her head and leaned forward. Through her blurred vision, she could see Fu Lingye being shrouded by the

her heart that had been hanging for the past two weeks had finally settled down. However, she felt her stomach

go to the

pointless to go to the hospital. The doctor said that this

remember this was how Guo Jing carried Huang Rong all the way up the

Lingye frowned and corrected her, “I am not Guo Jing and you are

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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