Chapter 10 

I hear the clacking of her heels nearing and I couldn’t  prevent myself from lifting my head. Her eyes are a  stormy blue. Rage. Rage poured in the depths of her  eyes, eyes Blake seemed to like. 

“You’re boring.” Her red lips curl into a sneer, the white  pearly teeth now visible. I feel the invisible blow and  stagger back as she advances. 

“You’re not even pretty.” She continues, her eyes racking  over my form in displeasure. Her blue eyes settle on my  leggings and she snorts. “And for F*ck sake you can’t  even dress right.” She laughs but it’s void of humor. 

By now we were inches apart with me having to crane  my neck to look at her. It was no secret that I was short.  I blamed my mom for this stupid height. I always  seemed to look like a little kid compared to everyone  else. It’s no wonder Blake doesn’t see me as anything  more than a friend. 

“I don’t get why he can’t seem to leave you for just a  second. What do you have that I don’t?” She grits out  harshly and reaches over to wrap her finger around my  inky black tresses. 

I gulp having the urge to back away but not wanting to  give her the satisfaction of seeing me uneasy. So I  sucked in the slight panicky feeling and mustered up the  courage to glower at her.

I could smell her sickening scent of flowers mixed with  the smell of alcohol. I hold back the gag I dreadfully  wanted to let out.” Well I have intelligence and that’s  something you lack. You know the saying, brains over  beauty.” 

What’s wrong with me? Why was I provoking her? And  why do I love it? 

I could see the gears shifting in her head, see her  contemplate if to knock me. I wasn’t one for altercations  and hated the thought of being in one. But I couldn’t  promise to stay still if she decided to punch me in the  face. 

Before I could think or have time to move out of her way,  her hand was already gripping around the bone of my  wrist. Her nails are pointy and scratches the surface of  my skin with the sudden pressure she added. 

man not yours.” She spits  getting into my face. The strong scent of liquor reaches  my nose and I flinch away. She lets go of my wrist and I  take that opportunity to back away, holding my wrist. I  rubbed the tender flesh, glaring menacingly into

about it Ley, the guy  had his chance to be with you but he isn’t. That just  means you’re nothing. He doesn’t see you in that way  Ley why else would he

behind her shoulder. I hated that she mocked  the nickname Blake called me.I didn’t like it comin from  her mouth.

words stung but I wouldn’t dare give her the  satisfaction of seeing how hurt I felt. She wouldn’t win. I  open my mouth ready to speak but the guys take this  moment to enter. They look confused staring

the first to speak. “What’s going on?”

to face him, forcing a smile on  my face. “Did you get the ping pong ball?” I question. I

believe me but he doesn’t question me  further. “Yeah I got it.” He shows the ping pong ball and  walks to the table. Stacy struts over to

didn’t  have a chance with Blake, he will never see me in that  way. The thought was saddening but I needed to realize  that I needed to move on. But somehow I knew it would  be impossible

Miller peed his pants! You should’ve seen it Ash, it  was a whole bucket!” Ryan laughs walking

guys were afraid of him. Yes he was the top boxer

still he’s Blake. My Blake. He isn’t

really have to make the guy pee on himself?” I

 his pants. The guy who apparently hosted this party.

it!” Ryan laughs pouring  beer into the cups. “Catch!” He shouts, throwing some  beer at Blake. Chuckling he

back out. “Uh how does this

 ball in the opponent’s cup. If the ball

filled to the brim. Nerves instantly swim in my  stomach. “So you’re saying if so happens that Blake or  Stacy lands the

and fixes our cups. “What, want to back out?” An annoying

 this Ryan. ” I gritted out and walk

very good with my  aim.” Blake winks,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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