Chapter 27 

“Is he dead?” I choked out, staring at the  unconscious boy. I couldn’t look at Blake as yet,  too afraid to see the murderous look in his eyes. 

“I F*cking hope so.” He answers without an ounce  of remorse. I involuntarily shiver at his voice, so  cold, so void of emotion. It felt like I was talking to  ice. 

“You don’t mean that Blake.” I said shakily and  reach out to touch the guy’s neck in search of his  pulse.

“With what he was about to do to you, yes I  F*cking hope he’s dying.” He hisses beside me. 

Feeling a slight pulse under my finger has me  breathing out a sigh of relief. Thank God he isn’t  dead. “We need to call an ambula-“ 

“F*ck no, let him rot here.” Blake snaps, stands up  and backs away a bit. 

My eyes widen at the heated anger detected in his  voice. I stand up and turn to him, glaring into his  blue orbs. “We can’t leave him here Blake! He  probably has a concussion or something worse.” I  hissed. 

He grinds his teeth in fury. “I don’t F*cking care-“ 

“You should care because you could end up in jail!”  I cut him off trying to make him see my point of  view. 

you tried to rape you!  Now you want to play F*cking hero to him. You  stupidly let yourself fall victim to this bullshit. ” He  grits out.

more than it should. It reminded  me of

my rescue. He was right, I  shouldn’t even

he  blamed me for the encounter with the

I didn’t  ask you to come to my rescue Blake, I could’ve  handled it on my own.”

a humorless laugh. “Yeah you  looked like you

In  between your thighs where I’m the only Fcking one  who can.

in  anger. “Don’t act like you care now, you avoided  me like the

with me.

you in that bathroom you made it  clear you didn’t want anything more. I thought you  needed space Ley,

sex in the bathroom

you could’ve bet that I would’ve F*cked you  there and then. You’re lucky

that for our

so much confidence has  my heart beating uncontrollably in my chest. I  decided to change the subject, it wasn’t exactly  appropriate when

anyway, aren’t you usually at  practice?” I

you but got worried when you didn’t show up.  When I entered the school I heard your piercing  scream and knew something was wrong so I ran  here only to see.” He points at the unconscious boy

you.” He spits.

I  knew he missed practice for this and I grew

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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