Chapter 37 

I walk out of the cla*s, one of the bag straps  securely on my shoulders as I bring it forward to  search through it. I mumble something incoherent  as my fingers fumble through endless papers. 

“Crap.” I groan as I stumble into a hard chest. I  lost my footing and ended up tumbling on the  floor. My knees hit the hard tiled floor and I grunt. 

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“Shit sorry.” 

I freeze, hearing the voice that currently haunts  me at night. The voice of my attempted rapist. My  heart thumps painfully as I clutch on to my bag for  dear life. Peter’s here. 

Finding the courage, I finally stood up and lift my  head to stare into his eyes. I’m not surprised to  feel the crippling fear as the images of him pinning  me down resurfaces in my head. 

“Look Ashley-” He looks at me with regret etched  on his face. Purple dotted underneath his right eye  and is a bit swollen. I see his lips moving but 

somehow my brain doesn’t process a word he  says. 

My bottom lip trembles as I quickly turn around  and run away from him. I’m knocking people’s  shoulder’s and having them curse at me but I don’t  care as I want to move away from Peter’s  presence. 

“Ashley, wait!” He begged. I could hear his voice  now distant as I round the corner. My breathing is  shallow as I struggle to ease my internal struggle.  My brain is pounding inside my skull. 

Anxiety is crawling inside my body, clutching unto  me until I could no longer know where I was going.  All I know is that I needed to get away from him,  from his presence. 

around to see if he was following me only  to crash into yet another chest. I stumble but a  huge hand circles around my waist and prevents  me from tumbling down. I need

as I  struggle in whoever’s arms. “Ashley!” The voice  sounds familiar. I breath in the scent of mint and  instantly

whispers as he pulls me

rests on his chest as I try to regain back  my composure. “He’s- he’s he-re.” I stuttered out  and clutch on to the soft material of Blake’s shirt.  His scent engulfs me and eases my mind. I was  safe

his voice  that he

 until I could feel his hand fist

what would happen if he went  to look for Peter. I didn’t want anyone knowing  what happened.

clutched his shirt more firmly and shake my  head. “Please don’t, I need you.”

him  tightly, it’s then I hear the mumbling around us  and I

and it makes me slightly jump at the  aggressive tone. I heard their rushing footsteps  and knew that they were now going

but  clutches my way smaller hand as he guides me out  of the school.

field, underneath a huge tree  that shades us from the heat of the sun. The field  is empty except for some tiny black birds pecking  at whatever was buried in

suit. We  were close to each other, close enough to not  seem like just a friendly embrace. His back leans  on the tree as he slings his arm over my shoulder  and pulls me to his

he try to do-” He doesn’t finish. Fear is  present in his tone but he tries very hard to mask  it. I

but I didn’t

 He was anxious for my answer I could tell

and rest my head  between his shoulder and neck. He visibly sighs  with

 he did. I hate that you’re battling this on your own  and I can’t help you. It F*cking hurts

in second  chances and by the looks of it, Peter had

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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