
My fingers wrap tightly around the shaving cream while my other hand clutch onto a small feather Now you might be wondering what on earth is Ashley Reed up to

Well to answer that question I would actually need a reasonable explanation. Okay lets put it this way. Blake was still sleeping and I had plans for us today, so in order to wake him up, lets just say I thought of a very creative way. One that would probably get him upset but amuse me. Serves him right for playing with emotions 

It was not like this would harm him, he and Ryan certainly didnt care when they did this to me years ago. I say this is revenge

My lips curl into a smirk as I slightly shake the can. It was early, well somewhat. Eight thirty was still early right? Perhaps not

I had woken up a few minutes ago, brushed my teeth, relieved myself then made sure I was not only in my undies before coming here. The thought of Blake seeing me in nothing but my undergarments had a raging blush settling in my cheeks

I sighed, rolling my eyes at myself. It was too early for this. He had seen all of me before and now I was acting like a pencil neck virgin. I needed to stop acting like a schoolgirl. Yeah and waking up your husband with shaving cream is not you acting like a schoolgirl

Shut up conscience, this isnt the time

I pressed my ear to the door, making sure the room was quiet. Slowly I wrap my fingers around the knob and turn, opening the door with slow and steady hands. Breathing out a relieved sigh I peeked my head inside the room. There he slept, looking so peaceful and unbothered. Walking in and closing the door softly with a slight thud I took a few seconds to just admire him

face had faded until they were a light pink shade. The scratches seemed to have been healing fine

his head unfortunately hasn‘t healed completely. It was to be expected

He snored softly, lashes creating a shadow underneath his eyes. He was so handsome. My heart squeezed. He stirs and I froze, afraid he‘d open his eyes and think of me as a creep. You are, don‘t kid

of relief when he doesn‘t. I scan my eyes down his


forced my eyes to not stray any more, afraid I‘d see more than I was planning for

into action. I began by slowly putting the shaving cream in his palm, all the while biting my lip to stifle my laughter.

embarrassing me in front of his dad yesterday. *Flashback* Blake grins, blue eyes flickering with amusement. “Was that one of our role plays to?” My eyes widened in shock, embarrassment quickly

Did He really have to say that with his dad here? Then again by the look on his

did not do role

wife about this.And what if Ryn tells my mom who then tells my dad? It would be so embarrassing to face them after this.

smirk “But you just told me about our role plays upstairs not too long ago. Acting like characters in your erotica books does not count as role play?” He asked so innocently that one would think he was.. I glared

right now dad, should you save me from

you off a bit later when your wife has cooled down a bit?” Ace asked. They were acting like I wasn‘t even

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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