Blake‘s pov

I‘m in a room, small and stuffy with the scent of weed, sweat and alcohol. The music was so loud that the vibration could be felt through the flooring. I look around me. There are familiar faces.

But one caught my attention more. Ashley. She sat down beside Ryan. She looks at him and murmurs. “Can we go home now?” Ryan answers with a nod. I find myself rising to my feet as well, already following them. “I’m coming with you guys.” I say but someone‘s hand on my arm stops me. “Why do you always treat her like she‘s a damn princess? I’m your girlfriend, not her.” Stacy whined, turning me around to face her. I narrow my eyes, glaring down into hers. “Why do you always act like a bitch towards her?” I hissed. She blanched in shock, letting me go to take a step back “What, didn’t think I noticed how you treat her?”

She folds her arms and looks at me innocently. “It’s not like your Ley is innocent too Blake. She insults me every I snorted out an amused laugh.”Right. Honestly Stacy the more you speak the more the words coming out from your mouth sound ridiculous. Ashley will never stoop to your level.” I stated bluntly. She glares at me sharply, her lips curling into a sour snarl. “You always defend her, always treat her better than you treat me. Sometimes I think she’s your girlfriend and not me.” When I don’t answer, her eyes search my face before she sneers. “You love her.” She hissed.” You fucking love her.” She then laughs without emotion. “I’m with a fucking guy who loves his bestfriend.” She looks around the room where a couple of teenagers sat down listening to our conversation. She points at me.” I‘m sure when he‘s fucking me he’s picturing her face.” She snarls.

I grab her hand pulling her towards me and glared at her. “You’re drunk Stacy, I’ll drop you home.

She snorts, pulling her hands away from me in disgust. “You don’t even deny it. Asshole. Go meet your ley I’ll get a ride home.” She spits, turns to one of the girls in the room and sniffles. Drop me home Emery.” She states without a room for argument.

I’m laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling, it feels late and I could taste the alcohol on my longue. The room is dark and the moonlight filtered through the windows. My heart was thumping uncontrollably like I had just come from a run. Why was my heart beating so quickly? i lift my finger and pressed it to my tingling lips. Was my heart beating so quickly because of the kiss Ley and I shared?

My phone rings, blaring through the quietness of the room. I pushed my hand inside the pocket of my jeans and retrieved my ringing phone. Stacy’s name popped up on the screen.

I felt the instant anger at seeing her name yet I swipe my thumb over the screen. I brought the phone to my ear and waited for her to speak. “Blake baby I’m sorry about earlier. I didn’t mean to say such words to you especially in the presence of so many people “No you were right and I understand where you‘re coming from. I deserve your anger. I‘ve been fighting it too long and honestly I’m tired. I’m sorry, I’m an asshole, I strung you along knowing I was in love with her- ” I started, raking a hand through my hair.

“So you finally admit it huh?” “You know I knew this from the moment you introduced me to her. I could see the love shine in your eyes when you stared at her longer than necessary.

it. “But I was stupid to hold on to that little string of hope

she would be too invested while I would

sniffling. “Are you breaking up with me?” She whispered. I nodded even though she couldn’t possibly see me.” Sorry. You’ll find a guy that deserves you Stacy, but I’m not that guy. Not when all I want is to be Ley’s.” “Hey Blake?” She whispered. “I hate you.” She finishes and ends the call. The memory fades and another one manifests. “You know the girl I’ve been talking about?” I pant, jabbing my fist towards the punching bag. Grunting as my muscles still ached from the fight two days ago. “Yeah, what’s wrong with your ‘bambina’.” Austin jokes. He was like an older brother to me even though

but nonetheless smile. “I kissed her lastnight.” I

that big head of yours.” Austin

girl you love and you look like someone stole your puppy.” He pointed out. “I don‘t have a dog” I mutter while

what’s going on with you today? What the fuck happened?”

halting my actions and plop down on the mat. “I know it was a dare and all but I’m a hundred percent certain that I wasn‘t the only one who felt

down at me with

all it was to me.

because you‘re with Stacy?”

up with Stacy right after the party. I’m not with her anymore and

that Stacy girl when you‘re in love with your best

shrugged.” I guess I was trying to see if I could be without Ashley and

you‘re in some deep shit boy.” Austin

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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