Betrayal At The Altar By Dolores Delia Chapter 124

The way he looked at her drew Betrayal At The Altar By Dolores Delia Chapter 124Betrayal At The Altar By Dolores Delia Chapter 124her in. His gaze was tender and affectionate. Rachel Grey didn’t want to snap out of her trance at all.

Rachel had never thought of herself as someone obsessed with looks. However, in the face. of David Jones, she felt she needed to reflect on herself. It was almost like she felt out of touch with herself.

Why else would she give up resistance every time she was faced with David’s temptation?

She took a deep breath and retracted her hand. “No!” she said firmly.

David’s dark eyes were filled with disappointment when hearing her firm rejection. He pinched her face bitterly and stood up to leave.

His eyebrows furrowed and he clenched his teeth slightly. There was no apparent change in his expression, but one could clearly tell he was displeased.

Rachel held his wrist and stood up. She leaned into his arms and poked his sharp jawline with her slender fingers. A smile appeared on her lips. “You become upset when things. don’t go your way. Do you know how much more sensible and obedient other men I’ve come across are? Aren’t you afraid they might take your place?” she teased.

Before she could finish speaking, David grabbed her hand. “Rachel Grey!”

His tone was cold, implying a clear warning to her.

at hitting

gently placed it on his chest. She scratched his chest softly.

do so.” David cracked a smile, but it did not seem genuine. “No one can touch

was like ice,

not intimidated at all. Instead, she was flattered by his domineering acts. She

looked at the man in front of her with a gentle gaze. Looking at his sharp

woman in front

held Rachel’s hand tightly. “Rachel Grey, You’ll

Rachel’s body stiffened.

was overwhelmed with

a magical

“Okay!” she replied.



Chapter 194

this was how it felt to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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