Betrayal At The Altar By Dolores Delia Chapter 141

When Louis heard his words, a trace of disdain flashed across his eyes. “Rachel has no relatives.”

How could it be related to the Johnson family? How could it be the newly appointed CEO of the Johnson Corporation?

This was simply nonsense!

The assistant also knew that his guess was a little ridiculous.

After all, Louis had sent him to personally investigate Rachel’s background.

Given her background, she was indeed unworthy of being related to the Johnson family, let alone becoming the female CEO of the Johnson Corporation.

Louis said calmly, “It’s just a coincidence.”

When the assistant heard this, he did not dare to continue making wild guesses.

The next second, he heard Louis say, “Go talk to the security guard at the door later. Ask him to find out what position Rachel Grey currently holds in the Johnson Corporation.”

Grey of the Johnson Corporation had turned them away and refused to see

wanted to see Ms. Grey,

just parted on bad terms. He was not sure

frowned. Based on his understanding of Rachel,

out his phone and called Old

also know that cooperating with the Johnson Corporation means a lot to Smith Group. If I wasn’t desperate, I wouldn’t have asked you to

for a moment. “I’ll think of a way to contact her, but I can’t guarantee that she’ll

Old Mr. Smith

saw the call from Old Mr. Smith. However, she still picked it up out of consideration

as she did, Old Mr. Smith said, “Girl, it’s good that you’re willing to answer my

talking about?” Rachel said, “May I know why

cold voice was indifferent, and there was

knew very well that Louis had let her down. Coupled with the



Chapter 141

girl also felt

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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