Betrayal At The Altar By Dolores Delia Chapter 159

The middle–aged man in the lead was wearing an administrative jacket, and there were a few people following behind him, including Adrian.

Great. Because of a group of reporters who blew things up, those who should be alerted and those who shouldn’t be alerted had all been alerted.

“Hello, excuse me,” one of them said.

Eddie was stunned for a moment and quickly took a step back.

The group of people walked through the door. The middle–aged man in the lead said, “I’ll help her prove it.”

David squinted when he saw the middle–aged man walking in.

Then, his gaze landed on Rachel, and his thin lips curled up imperceptibly.

No wonder she was so calm.

So she still had another trump card.

Morris, who was standing at the side, watched as yet another big shot appeared and inexplicably felt his blood boil.

Rachel had accidentally gotten involved in this case, he, a mere police chief, would probably never have seen such a gathering of big shots in his

from his shock and wiped the sweat from his palms. He walked forward and greeted, “Mr. Clinton, why did such

“This is no small matter.”

is this person?”

outfit, he’s definitely someone we can’t afford to

that this room is filled with big shots that we

wait and see.”

discussed softly, they heard Mr. Clinton speak again. “I have the evidence you

who was following behind him, to pass the document to the reporter

saw the red–stamped brown paper bag, they immediately felt like it was a hot potato.

rashly for fear that they would touch some core secret that

but seeing Morris’s attitude, it was not difficult to guess his identity. For a moment, he clenched his fists by his side

and not act as if he had never seen much of the world.

to recognize a formidable person and provoked Rachel previously, he could not help but feel his knees go weak.

him with a serious expression. “Miss Grey is not a suspect. She’s a first–class Cultural Relic Restorer and our

than before. “Although I don’t know who deliberately stirred up trouble, the situation this time is serious. We will cooperate with

the Cultural Relics Bureau said this, not only were the

she first entered the Cultural Relics Bureau, she heard that there used to be

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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