Betrayal At The Altar By Dolores Delia Chapter 172

Rachel immediately detected the man’s evasiveness through his words.

Clearly, David was not going to be forthcoming without prompting.

This made Rachel feel a little depressed and unhappy.

She felt like everyone around her knew something she did not, which was a very unpleasant feeling.

After hanging up, she lay on her back and stared blankly at the ceiling above.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open.

She sat up abruptly and saw Lucas walking in. She gasped, “What are you doing here?”

“To take you out and clear your mind?” Lucas pulled out a chair and sat down with his legs wide open.

Rachel looked at him, feeling very irritated and indeed in need of venting her emotions.

She hesitated for a moment and suggested, “The usual?”

“Sure,” Lucas said.

two of them walked out one after the other and bumped into Old Mr.

attire and then turned to Lucas with a stern expression. “Are you taking Rachel out to

his, supporting him as they walked down the stairs. “I’ll be staying at Uncle Tom’s tonight, but I will come back this

left Old Mr. Johnson speechless.

Rachel’s eyes which were strikingly similar to Sophia’s

Lucas said, “As long as Rae–Rae’s with

coldly. “You have the nerve to speak. It’s only when you’re with her that she acts

if he had continued to listen to Old Mr. Johnson’s nagging. He

Mr. Johnson watched Rachel leave, his face immediately became

of Miss Rachel’s marriage?” the butler

turned to look at him and sighed. “What do you

him and smiled knowingly. “In my humble opinion, our

gaze into the distant horizon. He watched the birds flying in the sky,

butler was saying, but

drove Rachel to the Apex Supercar Society.

changed their attires, two cars were brought out by the club

deep purple Lycan after adjusting her outfit. Lucas naturally opened the door of the sleek black Shelby and got into it. He lowered the car window, rested his hand on it, and gave

Rachel averted her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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