Chapter 47 Enduring Humiliation

I was startled. My grip tightened on the note as I watched him walk away. My heart raced, and I stashed the note in my small clutch.

When it was time to leave, I sat in the car while Matthew talked with several other executives from development firms. I retrieved the note, but my hands were trembling.

His name and phone number were handwritten on it. He had given me his contact information.

I smiled and tucked the note into a compartment

through my belongings without my knowledge. 1

within my clutch, I was wary that Matthew would snoop

Matthew discussed and criticized the people at the event all the way home. I silently cursed the

despicable man beside me.

His words did not interest me. Instead, I thought about meeting Atlas again and learning more about ATL


Since Matthew diverted the assets, why shouldn’t I redirect my business?

Tanum Corporation was my creation, but I was gone too long. Matthew had left his mark on the company and its culture. Like its leader, the company was not transparent enough.

had done it before, and I could do it again. I needed to


kicked off my high heels and went to take a shower. Matthew suddenly walked into the bathroom

done!” I


how long has it been since we did it?

protests and embraced me. His actions

tried to push him away. He became angry at my resistance, despite usually being gentle. He overpowered me by lifting my

was no match for him.

nerves and unpreparedness made me feel intense disgust for him. He showed



my face. My eyes were wide open as I

not to let this brute get

didn’t know how much time had passed. Matthew

drifted off to sleep like a log. I didn’t know who he was thinking of.

was clear–this was nothing like how

weren’t for our daughter, I might have killed him.

the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My body was covered in marks. I

out. I needed to speed up my plans to

endure this humiliation for Ava’s sake and my future. I cleaned myself

That night, I slept in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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