Chapter 85 A Trojan Horse

I had to keep Johnson here. He was my ace in the hole.

As for why I didn’t insist on keeping everyone else, I wanted to leave myself an escape route. I wanted

Matthew to reconsider his actions without pushing him to the point of no return.

To my surprise, the next person to speak up was Henry, Matthew’s father.

“Why bring this mess into the office? Can’t it be discussed at home? It seems like people have lost their sense of decorum,” Henry said in a commanding tone, his nose in the air.

I spoke respectfully but firmly, “Dad, is that directed at me? You’ll see soon enough if I have ‘decorum.” But you should listen and watch closely. Who lacks decorum here?‘

Matthew immediately grew uncomfortable. Perhaps it was because I had never spoken like this since joining the Murphy family. They were used to my soft–spokenness.

accustomed to,my mild nature? Do you think I’m a pushover? Do you think you can take

in the bag, so he

abandoned his image as the ideal husband and was ready

squinted at me, trying

up trouble. It was

been meeting another man behind my brother’s back. How dare you come here

and said, “Dad,

blocked Melanie’s path and crossed her arms. “Are you feeling guilty now? You jumped in with someone

my way! Who do you think you are? You have no right to meddle!” Though Melanie


far. I won’t tolerate your

You’re an outsider,


on whether you have a clear conscience or have done something you shouldn’t have,” I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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