Chapter 88 Condemnation of a Painful Past

I gazed at her calmly and responded. “You should probably ask your brother that.”

“What do you mean? Don’t try to play games with me,” Melanie retorted in frustration.

Johnson interjected and told me, “Ms. Chloe, calm down.”

understood he was worried I might lose it and reveal too much information. Still, would I need to sell

him out to expose those two idiots?

‘I glanced at Johnson, then stepped forward to lock eyes with Melanie. I questioned her, “Remember when I was alone at the airport on that rainy night? Wasn’t he sleeping with you on my bed?

“When Ava was in the hospital with a high fever, he didn’t leave us a single cent but was having sex with you at a hotel in Operose. Do you remember those photos you sent me, Melanie?”

Melanie looked at me helplessly as her confidence faded,

| sarcastically continued, “Perhaps you two have slept together too often that you’re unsure which pictures I’m referring to. Is that it? To secure ATL Empire’s project for Tanum Corporation, I met with Mr. Atlas and recommended our company as their exclusive agent. 1


“While I was trying to seal the deal, he bought you a new car, and you two couldn’t wait to drive to

you? You asked what my relationship with Mr. Atlas was?” I turned to Matthew as I spoke, “Care to enlighten us,

I omitted the fact that he

looking stunned.

bitterly at him and asked, “What

thought you were just having some flings or affairs with people you

harsh, but the Murphys

a bar, right? Did your dear sister drug you, too? How bizarre! No wonder


“I wanted to ignore everything, especially since it was so disgraceful. I could endure

didn’t make a scene. I wasn’t afraid of you or tarnishing your family’s

family’s disgraceful acts.”

down my cheeks as I continued, “But you thought

you even told Melanie to drug me and get a group of men

heartless, Matthew.”

do that!”

had nothing to do with that. I just wanted you out of my family!

in despair, “What a tragedy for our family!

wavered since I founded it. I considered your family my own and set aside my parents. I even used the money they invested in the

in the house I bought, yet you want to push

solemn as he bit his lip and glanced

we lived in cramped apartments and couldn’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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