Chapter 100 All Against One

Melanie’s resilience impressed me, and I thought she was pretty shameless to say such a thing. After all,

she was in a humiliating position herself,

“Go ahead. I’m sure you never lack good news since you’re so shameless,” I retorted and met Melanie’s


Unexpectedly, Henry spoke, “Stop being stubborn. You’re equally responsible in this situation. Don’t think

everyone owes you something!”

I stared at him and didn’t know how to respond. Soon after, Matthew entered and saw me holding Ava.

He observed everyone’s expressions, then told me, “Let’s go home.”

“Matt, why are you in a hurry to leave? I didn’t tell Chloe the good news yet,” Melanie sneered at him, “Do

her now? My child

blank, and my head throbbed. I swayed, and

at him. “Her child?”

couldn’t bear to look into my eyes, and I realized Melanie’s claim was true. I couldn’t

asked, “The child belongs to you two?” 1

siblings, so they can have as many kids as they want. You don’t need to make a fuss, and stop making it seem like my family owes you everything. Since we’ve

I stared at Henry and asked, “I’d

I turned to Matthew and asked, “Tell me, how do you

on my thigh and called me, “Mommy.

me, “What are you yelling about? Matthew, we’ve watched you two for years, and you always fawn over

you just because of that. Would your business run so smoothly if it weren’t for my son? Matthew,

you don’t have the right to stay in that new house because my son worked hard to

there, and we can discuss the rest later:


to give up the apartment?” I looked at

think about it!”

Henry to treat me as the mistress trying to take someone


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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