Chapter 117 Enraged

1 looked at Atlas with concern and said, “Matthew’s petty, so be careful of his retaliation.”

“You’re overthinking it,” Atlas replied, gesturing for me to return to the emergency room.

When we arrived, my mom asked, “Where’s that scumbag?”

“Gone!” I replied.

The emergency room lights had been on for two hours before they finally went out. A doctor emerged and informed us, “Your dad’s life isn’t in danger anymore, thanks to the timely arrival. However, you must

ensure he doesn’t get too agitated.”

The doctor’s words put us at ease.

After exchanging a few words with the doctor, Atlas instructed me, “Hide this from all outsiders, and just

say he hasn’t woken up yet.”

mom to stay with him. That would make others think my

him to his room. He was pale and in a pretty

and said, “Dad, please relax. I’m happy you’re still with us, and I will treat you better. I learned

and said weakly, “You

my place the following afternoon. I couldn’t believe the Murphys were still around, calmly having

to the stairs.

and you got your boyfriend to beat me up! I never thought

also scolded me, “Indeed, looks can be deceiving. You and your family are vicious. You already found yourself a

woman. You’re disgusting!”

get to know me sooner. Otherwise, you wouldn’t dare gang up

He muttered, “He hasn’t woken up

crap. We shouldn’t care if George wakes up. That’s Chloe’s problem. Chloe, if

upstairs. My room was a mess, and it was apparent they had rummaged through my

you think you can keep acting arrogant just because Atlas supports you?

daily necessities as I spoke, 1 advise you to restrain yourself and save

as I continued, “You know I won’t let you take advantage of me. I know you think shifted assets, set up subsidiaries, and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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