Chapter 138 I Want to Meet Him

I slumped onto the couch when I got home. I was exhausted as I gazed at the ceiling, thinking I was wrong to assume everything would go smoothly after divorcing Matthew. Despite my efforts to move

forward, I felt trapped.

I didn’t know what Matthew and his “allies” aimed for. Beside them, it seemed an unseen force was pushing me to move. I doubted whether my previous decisions were correct.

It was good for the company to have projects, but I also felt tied down. I couldn’t turn back, even if it meant facing tremendous challenges.

My mom must’ve heard me and realized I hadn’t returned to my room, so she quietly came downstairs. Her heart ached when she saw me looking so tired. She sat beside me, saying, “You look exhausted.”

I smiled bitterly and nodded. “Yeah. Mom, why do we have to grow up?” I asked softly.

My mom stroked my hair gently. “It’s a long journey, and you must learn to stop and smell the roses.”

“Tanum is my dream and the result of my hard work. Although it’s undergoing significant changes, want to drag it down. I won’t allow them to do that. I can’t let it fail under my leadership.


they went too far and left me no choice. Some

deserve kindness.”


saying, “Mom, don’t worry. I’ve sorted things at the

remember Ryan?”

same school as you? my

that’s him. He just returned to the country, and I

you. Invite him for dinner one day. I remember him taking good


assured her, “I’ll invite him

phone rang, and I removed it from my bag to check

okay, mom. You can go to bed now.

while heading upstairs. Atlas asked,

I’m home,” I replied as I entered my room.

Quillbrooke tomorrow for about two weeks. If there are any issues related to ATL

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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