Chapter 150 The Evidence

I faced the suppliers fearlessly while maintaining my composure. “Everyone here had contracts with

Matthew. Each payment and the obligations of both parties were clear. Do you think those contracts are

just pieces of paper?

“Each contract and payment was complete. Shouldn’t you approach Matthew if you face payment delays?

Didn’t he pay you all?”

Someone shouted, “There are still many outstanding payments!”

I scoffed. “You dare to admit they’re outstanding payments? Why are you here to ask for them now? Do you need to beg for money because you’re tight on finances? How have you done business for so long.

with this attitude?!”

I turned to Carol, who handed me a stack of documents. I slammed them on the table, causing them to

slide everywhere.

and compromised quality for your contracts with Matthew. Should I bring the developers in to


to join us. I have a long list of names right here!” I chuckled, You may have heard about me loving lawsuits.

turned to leave, saying, “If there are no objections, please leave. Mr. Adrian, please terminate all contracts with everyone here. They

he was dissatisfied with the outcome.


Mr. Josh said we’ll

Josh?!” I stopped

would settle all outstanding payments today. It’s the


suppliers. “Mr. Josh said that, huh? It’s my company, and I don’t need an

to decide for

table and questioned Josh, “Whose orders are you following? How

settle the accounts

as he avoided my gaze. He stammered, “I–I followed your orders, of course.”

orders? When did I say I’d take over Matthew’s mess?” I didn’t back down. “Who are

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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