Chapter 181 Forced to Drink With Them

Everyone turned to me. Carol got up, took my glass, and held me gently to my seat. “Let me do it, Ms.


With a smile, she raised my glass. “Hey, everyone, I’m Carol, Ms. Chloe’s assistant. Please let me propose a toast to all of you for everything you’ve done for Tanum Corporation! Cheers!”

She downed the wine. Carol then refilled her glass and approached Keegan with a smile. “Mr. Matthew is

right. We should toast to you, Mr. Keegan. It’s an honor to meet you today.”

“However,” she continued, “Ms. Chloe hasn’t been feeling well. As you all know, she’s been hospitalized. multiple times, and her doctors advised against alcohol. So, allow me to propose a toast on her behalf.”

I was surprised at how well Carol had handled this. I was sure anyone could tell she implied that Matthew

being a

that Carol was trying

a longing look. Although he was upset, he knew better

an employee who cares about you so

with Carol and sipped his wine while looking

was time for him to back off, but Matthew was too eager to impress Keegan. He slammed his

on the

hell are you to give


you know the rules!” He acted like he

and what we do

fairly. Despite being a small company, we don’t engage in shady dealings.

you got the contract yourself?” Matthew glared at me. “Don’t mind

about. Chloe, don’t act out of line.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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