Chapter 185 Creating a Scene

As expected, Matthew came to create a scene. His aggressive entrance left no doubt that Atticus had cu

ties with him, and he looked like he wanted to kill me.

He barked, “How could you do this to me, you cunt?”

It was the first time I had seen him so furious.

Carol stood protectively before me and called other employees to step in. Benjamin called the building’s


I pulled Carol aside and stared at Matthew. “I got the divorce because I wanted nothing to do with you. But you kept pushing it and pulled that stunt last night. How dare you try to make a scene here?”

“Don’t talk back to me, you fucking whore!” Matthew seemed ready to lunge at me any moment.

brought this

“You’re a jinx, Chloe! I was so unlucky to have married

as a jinx when I helped turn your life around?” I held my ground. “One day, you’ll regret this, Matthew. I’ll make sure of it!”

Matthew trashed the things

when he heard the commotion. “Matthew, what the hell are you

Ryan. Stunned, he started to call me a slut and

sleeping around.

scene but hesitated

waiting for? Throw him out!”

pointed at the security guards. “I dare you to

okay? Benjamin, you fucking traitor!”

the fuck down, Matthew. It’s Atticus who refused to work with you,

Ryan said calmly

why Atticus made that decision. Just so you know, he was here artic

know what

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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