Chapter 189 Eye Candy

When Atlas dropped me off at the company’s entrance, he gave me some reminders, which I noted down.

I couldn’t help but say, “Call me when you have time.”

He nibbled on my lip and said, “You’re improving by asking for things now.”

I blushed and turned to get out of the car, but he pulled me back and kissed me passionately before letting me go. Nonetheless, I looked forward to working with Grayson today. When I entered my office, I

called Carol and asked, “Has Grayson arrived?”

Carol’s eyes sparkled. “Yes, he has! Ms. Chloe, let’s use this standard when hiring new employees. He’s

such eye candy!”

I snorted in response. “Are you infatuated with Grayson too?”

She stuck her tongue out and chuckled. Good looks seemed to have a certain charm, and everyone liked

attractive objects. Since Carol and I had become close, she rolled her eyes at me and muttered, “You like

too. It’s

right. All right, bring Grayson in so I

with a grin, and Grayson soon walked in. Although strikingly handsome,

cunning, authoritative,


ray of sunshine that could

our conversation. Grayson was an invaluable tech

he couldn’t handle the business side of

was also quite pleased when I

I returned home that evening, my mother told me they

turned on, requiring someone

before rushing back

two months since my divorce, and they had to return home to check on things. My parents


were in a dilemma, I said, “Why don’t you two head back together? If you want to move here, just rent that house to someone and come here once

couldn’t bear to leave her house behind. My


freezing during winter.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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