Chapter 212 Unexpected Visitor

Even though my body hurt, I quickly got out of bed. After pulling back the curtains and looking down, I spotted Stella at the door.

How did she know where I lived? I didn’t recall telling her that I stayed at Amethyst Apartments.

She rang the doorbell twice more before I opened the door. Stella had a bright smile on her face as she stepped inside, holding a basket of fruits. She had an innocent expression as if she wouldn’t hurt a fly.

“Ms. Stella!” I smiled and asked, “How’d you find this place?”

“Well, you sure went through a lot!” She walked in and looked around as if she owned the place. “Your house is nice, very classic!”

“Please, have a seat! Can I get you something to drink? I have coffee and tea!”

“Anything is fine. Don’t trouble yourself!” She cheerily followed me. “How did this happen? It’s truly terrifying. Did you offend anyone? How’d you end up kidnapped?”

She seemed well–informed about my situation, which perplexed me.

traveled fast!” I chuckled, though

them saying that you were missing.” she explained matter–of–factly. “I was worried, so I called Atlas later to ask. I was so relieved

found you!”

up within me. So they were

intently. “Chloe, how’d you hurt your

she hadn’t noticed when she entered. Her delicate face displayed an exaggerated

of shock.

for her to take

you seen a doctor? You must take care of your face, or it’ll leave a scar! She

this happen to someone so pretty?”

just surface

expect it to be this severe!” She

us mentioned Celine. I chose not to

excused herself when she saw I was

to go shopping with you. I need to pick out a gift

don’t think I can join you in this state. I can’t exactly go out like

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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