Chapter 218 A Forced Order

I didn’t know whether to answer since Atlas was calling.

Meanwhile, my dad seemingly assessed my emotions. I reluctantly answered the call. The voice on the other end said, “I’m at the airport. Come and pick me up.

was speechless at his command. He usually had assistants around him but still wanted me to pick him up. I wondered if he considered me a chauffeur or a servant.

“Sorry, I have guests at home and can’t come-” I replied indifferently.

Before I could finish, he hung up. I nearly cursed him aloud for hanging up on me again. I was about to leave my phone on the coffee table when I received a text. It was a picture of Ryan with bags in hand.

Below it, the message read, “Is this the guest you must stay home for? When did he become so important

ou can’t leave? Ava must be waiting for me to have dinner with her.”

that you

I was outraged while looking at the message. I thought Atlas was bold for accessing the surveillance footage at my house.

“What do you want?” I returned his text. I felt powerless and didn’t know what else to do.

up or not?” Atlas replied, his

Ryan in an awkward spot. I

smiled awkwardly.

grinning. Then, I hurried upstairs, changed my clothes, grabbed my keys, and fled. I feared my dad would stop me. I felt pitiful when I got into my car–no wonder he

before finally leaving. I told myself we’d have

Atlas from the exit. He didn’t answer but was already striding toward me.

a little cramped.

want to talk to him. I just didn’t

and remembered how he looked that

and I drove in silence. Atlas seemed lost

you want me to come

pressed the brakes. “I don’t

replied through gritted teeth, “What

roared, “You can get

steering wheel. I flinched when he slammed the car door.

in. Then, he went to the driver’s seat and adjusted it before leaning toward

the seat, closing my eyes and turning away. However,

opened my eyes and looked at Altas, but he had already started the car and sped away. This time, I memorized the route he took. His place was near Pleca Park, a key scenic

a massive garden in his house was outrageous and

of the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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