Chapter 222 New Year’s Gift

Stella’s eyes turned cold as she looked at me.

I began to piece things together and concluded that Annalise’s death wasn’t as straightforward as it


Stella quickly corrected herself, “What I meant was that there could never have been a future for them. It wouldn’t have worked out even if she hadn’t died!”

“If Annalise held such a special place in Mr. Atlas’s heart, it must’ve been tough for you, too,” I pointed out. “It affects you directly.”

Her.composure wavered, but she masked it with a bigger smile. “I don’t concern myself with such things. Even if a thousand Annalises appeared, he’d still be mine. I won’t allow anything else.” Her arrogance

knew no bounds.

I nodded. In reality, she had a point. The formidable Pierce family stood solidly behind her.

“How did Annalise die?” I brought up a topic I had avoided. However, Stella kept bringing her up, indicating she wanted to tell me something more.

I wanted to hear Stella’s version of Annalise since I had already gleaned some clues from her slip–ups. Annalise’s death was undeniably linked to Celine.

and died. When they found her, my mom had Atlas identify the body.

a twinge, imagining how Atlas must have felt

world for him,” Stella said, her eyes holding a cruel glint. She



intentions. “I couldn’t bear to look. I

was in despair.”

for you, this was a fortunate turn of events,” I remarked, voicing

why I said it.

and entered. ‘Ms. Chloe, it’s time

was happy with her quick thinking and nodded. “Alright, I’ll

“I’m sorry, I have a meeting.

I’ll take my leave. I just dropped by to see you. Oh, and…

on my desk and said, “You can leave it in your

I smiled. “I didn’t even get the chance

a little trinket!” She remarked before


she muttered, “She just wouldn’t stop talking. Who does she

giving her an approving look. “That was

burst out laughing

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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