Lin Qiang, Lin Feng as well as Jin Long and Jin Ran were chased out of Donghai First Hospital and were thoroughly embarrassed. Jin Long responded nastily no matter what Lin Qiang said.

He even left Lin Qiang with one last phrase: The Lins could die for all he cared!

"Bastard! That bastard!" Lin Qiang cursed and was shaking from anger.

He turned to glare at Lin Feng and Lin Feng quickly tried to explain himself.

"Dad! I had already made the arrangements! 3 million! It's that Vice-chairman who bloody tricked us!"

PAK! Lin Qiang slapped his son hard across the face. "You useless thing!"

His son couldn't even get such a simple thing done properly.

He was even angrier that Dr John had chosen Lin Wen over Jin Ran, and now Lin

Wen could stand again.

He wasn't going to allow something like that to happen.

"It was a pity I didn't kill you in that car accident back then!" Lin Xiang fumed and his face was so threatening that Lin Feng didn't dare to say anything.

hit after hit in the

Donghai was probably really going to be left with Lin Wen's Lin

stand up again, then who would be able to block

Qiang's expression darkened and he started thinking

Wu anymore, and Lin Wen was protected by Jiang

couldn't bear to watch Lin Wen recover and watch him expand

agreeable to the conditions he offered the last time," Lin Qiang coldly said. "I just

"Go now!"

twisted. "In the Lin family, I'm the

At the same time.

he had no more life left in

at his relationship with

Jin Ran spoke in a low and sad voice as he couldn't

There are many famous doctors in

body started trembling. "I shouldn't have incurred the wrath

He started bawling.

regretted it


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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