It was late at night and there weren't many cars on the highway. But the whole team of bosses and their men coming from Shengcheng looked fairly frightening.


Suddenly, the car right in front honked, and the rest of the cars behind immediately slowed down.

There was a road block in front, and there were red lights flashing.

All the cars stopped and many of them got out of the car to take a look. But suddenly a lot of car headlights turned on at the same time and lit up both sides of the highway.

There were a lot of people standing in this empty area, and the person leading the pack was Brother Gou!

Jiang Ning had lighted a cigarette in one of the cars and only put it out when he saw that the men from Shengcheng had arrived. He exhaled a mouthful of smoke and said, "They're so late." Zhang Cheng and the rest were shocked to see this. There were actually people here waiting for them!

Did the men in Donghai know they were coming?

"Get out of the car!" Zhang Cheng shouted loudly and all his men got out of their cars.

The rest of the bosses gave the same instruction, and soon there were more than 300 men standing together and looked rather imposing.

Zhang Cheng and the other bosses walked right in front. There was disdain and murder written all over the faces.

you block us like that! Are all of you tired

brought the most number of men along and was the most powerful among them now. "Who's

say anything. He just pulled the car door open and

hatred shot out from them. He couldn't wait to just kill Jiang Ning

come, we've been waiting for you for a long time." "Who the hell are you?" Zhang Dapao scoffed coldly. "Huang Yuming isn't around, so you think any Tom, Dick and Harry has the

"How dare you!"

this man talk to his Big Boss like that! Was he tired

polite to our guests. Since they're here to give Donghai money, we should show our

"Yes, Big Boss."

checked with the relevant governmental department and found out that Donghai had one more bridge and three more roads to fix,

force himself

"Big Boss?"

the rest had a change in their

Jiang Ning?" Zhang Cheng immediately asked in a cold voice

"That's me."

amazing strength. But you don't look like much to me," laughed Zhang Cheng coldly. "You can

you not to lose your lives over this. Hand over the illegal circle of

bosses also looked down at them with contempt. They thought that they had been ambushed, but in the end the other side only had thirty people or so. Did Jiang Ning think

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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