He had to settle this feud.

The Luo family was deeply embarrassed, not just because they had lost the illegal circle of Shengcheng, but more because of what happened to Ye Kuang. Everyone was laughing at the Luo family.

If they didn't kill Jiang Ning, then the Luo family would remain a laughingstock for the rest of their lives.

"We have to kill Jiang Ning for sure," Luo Yongqian said with a malicious voice. "But we have to wait for a while."

He was a careful person. Since he didn't know exactly who was backing Jiang Ning, he didn't want to attack him now.

Tve already sent someone to investigate the Jiang family and we'll get news soon. Once we confirm that this Jiang Ning has nothing to do with that Jiang family, then you can make your move!" Luo Yongqian continued coldly, "Besides making a move, you have to make sure everything you do rings out loud and clear! I want everyone to know that the illegal circles of Tianhai

still belong to the Luo family!"

Ye Xinhuo nodded. "Got it."

He was now waiting for the result of the investigation. He was waiting to see if this Jiang Ning had anything to do with that true blue powerful Jiang family.

If he didn't...

was going

the biggest joke of the century and the Luo family became the butt of their jokes

Broken Sword killed off so many family members that they had to hide themselves at home, they managed to kill off Broken Sword to get their reputation back. But

Luo family wasn't very flashy in the first place, but now they couldn't

Ning was. The other families that pulled

Jiang Ning was someone from the Jiang family in the north, so they started


At the Jiang house.

families of the

was the king of them all, riding high and mighty above

family was important, and

if they did anything, it would cause a huge

manor of the Jiang family was very quiet. The servants never dared to make too much noise. The rules were strictly followed here and

middle aged man practicing his calligraphy

on the paper were vigorous and energetic, and

has come asking again." A voice rang out from outside

stop writing. He continued writing what he started, but it was clear that his strokes had gotten faster and a little messy compared to the steady and leisurely pace he was at earlier. In

have their eye on Young Master, it sounds like we might

voice outside the study spoke

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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