Tan Xing's entire body was shaking.

Jiang Ning didn't mince his words at all.

"It's not just the Tan family. Don't you know how many rotten pieces of flesh there are in the martial arts world?"

"What's all this about keeping the spirit of the martial arts world or upholding righteousness and justice? Is it more important than power and money?"

"Once there's one Tan Feng, then there will be a second one and a third one. In the end, it will just be a group of rotten flesh!"

"If you're not completely muddleheaded yet, then have a think."

Jiang Ning glanced at Tan Xing with a face filled with contempt. Tan Xing's eyes were wide open and he couldn't get a single word out.

If Jiang Ning wanted to kill Tan Xing, it wouldn't take him much effort at all.

All these so called highly skilled grandmasters were nothing to him.

But he didn't want to kill Tan Xing. Tan Xing was a little muddleheaded, but there was hope for him.

Jiang Ning didn't continue talking. He turned and left, because if the grilled fish grew cold, it wouldn't be as tasty.

He left Tan Xing standing there with his back heaving.

He had lived for so many years and even had one foot in the coffin already. When did anyone berate him like this and scold him in the face? And the worst part was that he didn't even have anything to argue with.

being unable to argue back, Jiang Ning's words seem to have struck his brain and made him understand many things. Perhaps he had already seen

long as he kept his own pride as a martial artist, nothing would change.

world had changed too

he didn't stop it right now, it

watched Jiang Ning walk away

of ability, I'm afraid

he had a glimpse of it earlier, he

Jiang Ning now. He

was very stubborn, but at least he still had a little of the spirit of the martial arts world left in him and wanted to preserve some part of the martial arts

things, Jiang Ning's punch earlier

say anymore. He turned and

a hotel just

Tan family

it in themselves to give up like


him! Otherwise the reputation of the Tan family will be in

powerful families of the north as well as other martial artists are all watching us. If the Tan family becomes a laughingstock, then how are our family members going to face the world?

their status would be lower than before. It would be impossible for them to ask for more benefits in the

them exchanged glances and didn't hide

"Kill Jiang Ning!"

"Let's go!"

up to head for Donghai

when they opened the door, they found Tan Xing

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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