One company was like a pillar leading to heaven, so others could only look up to it. The other company was a new star that was up and coming but remained small and weak. These two companies were actually going to fight each other.

This really puzzled many people.

Besides laughing at how Lin Group was too confident of themselves, they also felt that Linglong Group was overreacting and was really throwing a cannonball at a mosquito. They thought too highly of Lin Group.

But just like Lin Yuzhen, Long Ling'er didn't care about the comments from others.

She continued to support her own decision and used everything that Linglong Group could use to kill off Lin Group.

She was going to stop them from entering the north!

This fight was like a storm that shook up the business world.

Many people's attention were diverted from Donghai's illegal circle and were now focused on the fight in the legal circle.

There were many people secretly making their move in the undercurrents.

the rural part of

a quiet

it seemed like he was now making a different sort of tea. The fragrance was different now. "My Lord, we've lost contact with the two of


all. Perhaps they weren't in

The voice of the person

Long family to sound him out! How stupid! This

man kneeling outside didn't dare

any method necessary. They only listened to instructions and only wanted results. It didn't matter what

if those two didn't die out there, they would be killed if they came

already gotten news from elsewhere that the man in Donghai doesn't come from the north, and he's not that man," said His Lordship. "Since that's the case, we

had a violent encounter with

powers all over the world had received the news and there were even

behind Donghai wasn't that man after all. As for whether he had anything

case, he could eliminate a

the blinds was still kneeling

time, then we'll take action

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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