"Yup, I've begun preparations already."

Lin Yuzhen had thought of this a long time ago.

The weather conditions in the north was very different from the south. So even if a product was very popular in the south, it wouldn't have the same effect in the north.

It would be a problem to even get into the northern market, never mind gaining a foothold.

"My wife is so clever," Jiang Ning gently pinched Lin Yuzhen's nose. "So it's actually a good thing that our goods were seized. If the goods made it to the stores, then we'll leave a bad first impression on the consumers in the north."

Only Jiang Ning was capable of calming Lin Yuzhen down with just a few sentences about how this apparent crisis was actually a good thing.

"Yup," Lin Yuzhen nodded. "So are you going to the north?"

"I don't have to care about the goods or even the market, but I must bring our staff back," said Jiang Ning seriously. "I promised them."

Lin Yuzhen stretched her arms out and placed them around Jiang Ning's neck. She kissed him gently.

"Be careful, I'll wait for you to come home."

and a few others to wait for him at

he called Ye

Jiang Ning went straight to the point and didn't bother with any formalities. "I'm going to the north for a few days, so I need someone on Donghai's side, then I'll

Donghai's defence was impeccable.

not be able to get away. But Jiang Ning wanted no accident when

had another highly skilled fighter to be on guard, then this city would truly

and he was much more highly skilled

hanging up, Ye Qingwu turned to see Ye Shan punching sandbags. She hesitated for a while before saying, "Dad, the weather is not

smiled, "We haven't gone out together

Shan scoffed and didn't even turn

Ning's voice over the phone. Where did this punk find

would have ignored him even

Qingwu to ask him. So


the sandbag hard. "Pack your things, we'll leave

Ning had always protected Ye Qingwu and repaired his relationship with his daughter, Ye

Ye Qingwu nodded and went to her room

At the same time.

was one of the cities leading into the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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