Jiang Ning didn't seem to have cared about what Yang Ming said at all throughout his time in the office.

Jiang Ning had seriously come here because he just needed a place to smoke.

After all, he never smoked in front of Lin Yuzhen. She never stopped him from smoking, but she didn't like him smoking in front of her. Even after Jiang Ning left the office, Yang Ming was still sitting there speechless as he watched Jiang Ning walk out of the door and disappear.

It took him quite a while before he collected himself and started cursing away.

"Who do you think you are!"

"You want me to beg you? Dream on!"

"Lin Group can forget about taking any data from me!!"

Yang Ming yelled so loudly that his voice echoed down the corridor, but Jiang Ning pretended not to have heard anything.

He took the elevator back down. The receptionist's face was all red because she was so excited, as if she had just woken up from a dream. When she saw Jiang Ning come out, she quickly ran over and greeted him politely. "Mr Jiang?"

"Yes?" Jiang Ning nodded.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" She couldn't hold it in anymore and kept repeating herself from being too excited.

her a name card to her earlier and told her to call the number on it if

it a shot, and the moment she said that a very handsome man gave her this number to find

felt like she

what she could do and how much salary she expected, and she already couldn't believe her ears. She could only tell him that she was a receptionist and she

already $2,000 more than what she was

then for

was like

she had really hit

much. He just

walked out of

the rest were still waiting inside the

hopped in, Lin Yuzhen quickly asked, "How did

want to give them the data, and he

Lin Group. There was no way they wouldn't take this chance to extort as much money from

"That Yang Ming even said


This didn't sound real.

even Gao Yali didn't quite believe

type that used the little bit of power they had to reap as much benefit for themselves as possible, and they wouldn't let go of the data so easily. On top of that, now Lin Group was the one asking them for things, so

Ceyranka was the brand that suffered as

didn't think

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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